

第1个回答  2013-11-06
We have had this experience : When we do something , it is often one sense , on impulse , resulting in a lot of time to consider the question is not very thorough. At that time, how much we want this world to sell drugs regret ah ! However, this is impossible. So, when we decided to do something, especially when major issues that must be all-round consideration. When in doubt listen to the views of others , is also very good. From past experience , surrounded by others , the future may result in , make a reasonable solution to the problem .
There are also some people think that in this fast- changing society , a little hesitation, the moment when the opportunity missed , sometimes think too much is not good. As Colin Powell once said : the 40% -70% in mastering information when making decisions. Too little information , the risk is too large, poor decision-making ; adequate information , and your opponent has action , you 're out.
' Look before you leap ' is not in contradiction to quickly grasp the opportunity , seize the opportunity to learn how to do things , while making it more thinking, hopefully, reach such a talent other side of success .



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