

第1个回答  2014-12-31
A: Hi, Sue. You see, the winter vacation is around the corner. Do you have any plans?

B: I am not so sure at this moment. Maybe i will go travelling with my parents. But we have not decided where we should go.

A: Have you watched the popular reality show Dad, where are we going? In the last episode, they went to New Zealand. I have to say i was totally impressed by the beautiful scenery there. The sky is so blue and the people there seem to be very friendly and hospitable. What is more, my friend went to New Zealand to further her study last year, and she speaks highly of that country. She even sees the country as a paradise, feeling totally satisfied with everything there.

B: Wow, that is so fantastic. With no doubt, I will take New Zealand into consideration. You know, you make this trip and the contry more fascinating and charming.

A. Glad to hear that. And there is one thing you should never forget.

B: What?

A: It is summer in New Zealand right now, which means you can escape into the dreamy world full of sunshine. I do hate the cold and wet weather in our city. It tortures me to death.

B: Running away from the winter in our city is also a dream of mine. Got you! I will discuss this with my parents at home. I need to know the budget and make sure the everything will run smoothly there.

A: Yes, budget is always the key to a pleasant trip.

B: Do you have any suggestions?

A: Maybe you can go to a travel agency and know some basic details about the trip plans it offers. If the price is acceptable, you can book at the agency directly, cause this can save you a lot of time and energy. What you need to do is look forward to this amazing jounery.

B: What if we cannot afford the fee?

A: If the price is not so cheap as you expect, you need to surf the Internet and try to create your own travelling plan arrcoding to the plans posted by the enthusiastic people who went there before or who are local. It is time-consuming, but it is quite worthy, if you can save a large sum of money by doing this.

B: Alright, I will follow your advice. Thanks a lot. Still, I have to talk to my parents about this.

A: Ok, enjoy yourself in the vocation. Bye.

B: Bye. And if I go to New Zealand. I will send you some beautiful postcards.

A: Ok. Now, it is my turm to say Thankyou. Bye.

自己编了一段对话。搞得我都很想粗去玩了= =。



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