

第1个回答  2010-05-23
South African history
In Portuguese navigator tiago 1488 led the first fleet cape.
The Dutchman fan in the lead in the fleet baker, establish table bay
The cape of colonies, became the first settled in South Africa's white.
In 1795 British colonial occupation of the cape.
1835-1840 to escape from British rule, Boolean is in the Netherlands
As to the northern European immigrants early seed "transfer".
1838 Boolean surrounded with any Zulu NaDaEr area in the river, "blood
"The zulus defeat
1867 found near the kimberley diamond mine, prompting diamond mining rapidly.
In 1880-1881 English and YingBu first world war.
In 1886 George harrison is found in Johannesburg, large-scale gold
Veins, sparking mass "the gold rush".
1899 to 1902 second YingBu war erupted, the victory.
In 1910, South Africa federal established. The cape colonies, NaDaEr colonies, Germany
The genus streptobacillus and orange ZiYouBang into unity British dominion.
South African national congress in 1912, the natives in 1923 was renamed in South Africa
Continent people's national assembly, referred to as anc.
In 1948, the kuomintang headed on malan white won the election, began to introduce more
For severe policy of apartheid.
1960 emancipation of the pass a law of motion by suppression,
ShaPei massacre occurred Wells. Such organization was banned. Anc
In 1961, South Africa, South African republic from the commonwealth. Anc and functional
The big start armed struggle.
In 1962, nelson mandela was anc leaders in 1964, and GeWen after
Mr Mbeki (South African President thabo mbeki's father who was sentenced to) etc
Life in prison, held in LuoBenDao.
In 1989, South Africa's President, and DeKeLeKe succeeded in February announced to cancel the party
Nelson mandela, release.
In 1991 DeKeLeKe announced the abolition of the residual segregation laws. Democracy."
South African conference "began negotiations. Constitutional system came
1993 South Africa constitutional system came through a historical breakthrough talks, South Africa
When the constitution.
In 1994, the first national elections held in South Africa, nelson mandela, winning the anc
RenNaFei history to the first black President.
In 1996, the first part of the new constitution of racism. DeKeLeKe lead
The kuomintang government of national unity, from the DeKeLeKe in September
Quit politics.
On January 1, 1998, South Africa and China's official diplomatic relations.
In 1999, the second national elections held, as Mr Mbeki anc
South African President nelson mandela, the black official retirement.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2010-05-23
South Africa has an area of 12,221 square kilometers and a population of 37,900,000 people, is located in the capital, Pretoria, the original religion to religion, mainly Christianity, the major language is Afrikaans and English, using the money for the rand, the currency unit: Rand (RAND) to sign "R", said. South Africa location in the Southern Hemisphere, in general, year-round sunny climate, the seasons are advised to Tourism, 7, 8 in the winter months in the summer months 12,1 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate in the Cape region is a Mediterranean-type climate, and coastal Natalchuk Chuansi and northeast China provinces and for the sub-tropical climate.
South Africa is the most economically developed countries, and its rich mineral resources, mineral is one of the world's fourth largest country. Gold, diamond reserves and output ranking first in the world. With the perfume of France, South Africa's diamond in the world famous De Beers diamond sales in the world control of 70%. In Africa, South Africa is a natural and climatic conditions are better country. This morning rainfall, warm and pleasant, sunny seasons, is an ideal living environment. South Africa's tourism to the city as the center, located in the north-east of the capital Pretoria plateau, beautiful, vibrant flowers and trees, especially in the summer, roses in full bloom everywhere, so the city and the "Rose City" said in its suburbs, The last century to establish the National Zoo, where keeping a wide variety of rare animals unique to Africa, and the aquarium, there are more than 300 kinds of fish. Cape Town is South Africa's major coastal tourist city, the city has a large number of relics of the colonial era, in the vicinity of the Cape of Good Hope in the history of the famous ocean development.



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