
最好要励志一点的,说点什么长大后我也要去哈佛之类的。题目叫做"My summer vacation"。重点写哈佛。

第1个回答  2014-10-22
I had a fantastic summer vacation visiting the United Statesof America, specially Harvard University located at Cambridge, Massachusetts.The school is World-renowneduniversity, and while visiting the campus, I can feel the chemical reaction ofdifferent people and activity clubs on campus. The city of Boston is historic,diverse and cultural, and I can imagine how thought-provoking and life-changing it could be if I can live in this city during my college years. Harvard’s Widener Library is oneof the most astonishing Library I’ve ever seen in my life, standing in theremakes me feel like being in one of the Harry Potter “Hogwarts” setting. Thisuniversity is not just for study, it also have plenty of intramural sports forexercising. It’s a school for artist, athletes, musician, lawyers, doctors,businessman and people that have love in every field. Visiting there makes me wantto be a part of Harvard Alumni in the future.本回答被提问者采纳



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