

第1个回答  2024-04-18
1. The English word for "拱门" is "arch," which can also refer to an "archway" or a structure with an arched shape.
2. Buttress tower: a type of architectural support for arches, often seen as a tall structure extending from the wall of a church or other building.
3. Arch ponor: a term related to karst topography, referring to a depression or sinkhole formed by the collapse of an underground cave or tunnel.
4. Decorated archivolt: an archivolt is a molding or ornamental frame that surrounds an arch, and when it's decorated, it adds a decorative element to the arch.
5. Arch mast: a mast that is shaped like an arch, often used in sailing or maritime contexts.
6. Flying arch: not a common term, but possibly a type of arch that appears to "fly" or be supported by nothing, such as a semicircular arch.
7. Archivolt: see above definition.
8. Double archway: an archway with two arches side by side, creating a larger opening.
9. Arch mast: see above definition.
10. Roman arch: a semicircular arch, characteristic of Roman architecture, often supported by square pillars.
11. Gothic arch: a pointed arch commonly used in Gothic architecture, creating a sense of height and light.
12. Interlacing arch: an arch where the supports or ribs of the structure intertwine or weave together, giving a decorative and intricate appearance.
13. Landscape arch: a type of natural arch formed by erosion, typically found in arid regions and named for its scenic beauty.
14. Kolob arch: a specific natural arch located in Zion National Park, Utah, USA.
15. Green arch: could refer to an arch made of living plants or a painted green archway.
16. Treant arches: likely a fictional term, combining "tree" with "arch," possibly referring to arches made of trees or tree roots.
17. Tasman arch: a natural arch named after the explorer Abel Tasman, located in New Zealand.
18. Arch of Tesiphon: an ancient Mesopotamian arch, also known as the Arch of Ctesiphon, located in present-day Iraq.
19. Arch of Titus: a triumphal arch in Rome, Italy, built to celebrate the victory of Titus in the First Jewish Revolt.
20. Arch of Titus: a triumphal arch in Rome, Italy, built to celebrate the victory of Titus in the First Jewish Revolt.
21. Arch: a term used broadly to refer to any structure with an arched shape.
22. Accolade: a decoration or emblem, and "accollee" is not a word in English. The correct term might be "acolyte."
23. Example sentence: "There is a beautiful arch there." (This sentence is correct.)
24. Vanamee, hidden in the deep shadow of the archway, did not move. (This sentence is correct.)
25. Romola had had her eyes fixed absently on the arched opening, but she had not seen the distant hill. (This sentence is correct.)
26. He remembered wandering through dimly lit streets, past ghostly, black-shadowed archways and evil-looking houses. (Minor adjustments for better flow and clarity.)
27. Miss Ingram returned to us through the arch. (This sentence is correct.)
28. Arches, canyon land and Lake Powell 4 days: This phrase seems to be a description of a travel itinerary and could be better phrased as "A 4-day trip to Arches National Park and the Canyonlands, including a visit to Lake Powell."
29. Moab - Arches National Park - Salt Lake City - Hometown: This is a correct phrase but could be rephrased for better flow as "A journey from Moab to Arches National Park, continuing to Salt Lake City, and finally returning to hometown."
30. Arches, Canyonland 4D Arches - Canyon land - Lake Powell: This phrase is unclear and could be rephrased as "A 4-day tour exploring Arches National Park, Canyonlands, and Lake Powell."
31. Marble arch is a famous London landmark. (This sentence is correct.)
32. Here is another picture of setting sun shining on the arch: This sentence is correct but could be rephrased for better flow as "Another image of the setting sun illuminating the arch."详情




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