
在福建省莆田市湄洲湾口,有一个美丽的岛屿叫湄洲岛。岛上有一座巍峨雄伟、金碧辉煌的庙宇,供奉着世界闻名的“海神” 妈祖。妈祖是当地的望族。她原名林默,妈祖父亲林惟悫,母亲王氏,人多行善积德。一天晚上,王氏梦见观音大士慈详地对她说:“你家行善积德,今赐你一丸,服下当得慈济之赐。”于是便怀了孕。到960年三月二十三日傍晚,王氏将近分娩,见一道红光,从西北射入室中,光辉夺目,香气飘荡,久久不散。又听得四隆隆作响,好似春雷轰鸣,地变紫色。王氏感到腹中震动,妈祖于是降生。因生得奇,甚为疼爱。她出生至满,一声不哭,因此,父亲给她取名“默”。

第1个回答  推荐于2018-04-26
Meizhou Bay in Putian City, Fujian Province, mouth, there is a beautiful island called Meizhou Island. The island has a towering majestic, magnificent temples, dedicated to the world famous "Poseidon" Matsu. Matsu is a local prominent family. She had Minglin Mo, but Matsu's father Lin Que, mother Wang, many people do good Jide. One night, she had long dreamed of Guanyin kindly told her: "Your good deeds and accumulating virtue, this gives you a pill, get volunteers when the dose of the gift." So they became pregnant. To 960 on March 23 evening, she had close to delivery, see a red light, from the northwest injection room, bright eye-catching, fragrance floating, lingering. Also heard four rumble is like spring thunder roar, to become purple. Wang was the belly of vibration, Matsu was born. Because students have extraordinary and very loved. She was born to the full, I heard cry, so my father called her "silent."
Matsu has an older brother and five sisters. Year-old to a private school when the school, teachers in the article that she can quickly digest. Yu-year-old, she believed in Buddhism chanting incense, sooner or later hard. 13 years of age, there is an old Taoist Metaphysics through regular exchanges between her home and said to her: "You're a fairy nature, should be crossing into the immortal." Award was a "Xuan Wei secret law." Her law practice, can comprehend thrust.
Matsu 16 years of age, women went out with the group, according to makeup in the wells. Suddenly the man of God holding a pair of copper Fu, owned wells and the rear surround with immortals, the copper breaks awarded to her companions were all Haide run away, and Matsu were not affected by the suspect and soon will be well-informed change . Since then, she, though in the room, but it can often iQue Virgin, about good and bad fortune, are all odd in. Able to fly across the sea, Jia Yun, sea rescue, medical treatment often good of man, far and near who are grateful to her, called her the "God Kou", "Dragon."
Matsu 16 years this fall in September, one day, her father and brother Jia Zhou crossing north, then carefully weaving Matsu is room, suddenly V weaving eyes closed and his face mutations. One hand shuttle, one hand on express, feet bear riding shaft, doing all in the struggle to support, for fear of any errors. After the mother found that very frightened, and hurried to wake her. Matsu missed the shuttle was out on the floor. She opened her eyes, stamp loudly crying, said: "My father saved, brother dead into the sea!" Listening to his mother, very frightened, quickly satisfactory for news. Soon someone reported that Matsu has said really is true. His father was in the high sea, the panic-stricken, a few will be overturned, if like some people hold the rudder, and her brother was close, unfortunately destroyed his brother is the rudder of the boat cover. Matsu eyes closed at that time, the pedal with the father's ship, and grasping the ship's rudder brother, her mother took her to wake up and shuttle fell to the ground, destroyed overturning rudder brother, father escape return, while his brother was swallowed by the raging waves. Brother drowning, the Matsu accompanied her mother, sister and several villagers find a vast sea sailing Drive, went to his brother's body. At that time the turbulent sea, they suddenly found a group of sea aquarium together, we could not help but frightened. Mazu said, do not be afraid, and told not to meet the aquarium. The mere mention of a sudden the water clear, her brother's body floating in the sea. At this time we know God is protecting the water to the corpse. Dead brother finally set back, Meizhou Island are all the people praised her filial piety and charity. Thereafter Whenever Matsu's birthday, the night that is a big fish in groups, before the ring out in the Mekong Island, like Bai Wu's appearance, dispersed before dawn.
Once a mixture of commercial vessels through the rocks met with huge winds, the ship ran aground angle, water poured into the cabin, the situation is very critical, the ship of human cries for help, Matsu know, the very anxious, busy on the villagers said: duo head merchant would sink, should be quickly went to rescue. However, we are looking at wind waves, not forward. At this critical juncture, Mazu wrote at the feet of grass, looking for a trunk and a few, thrown into the sea. That instant, into a large cedar trunk and a few grass, behind the flow of Chuanpang driving, commercial boat with a large fir attached, so will not sink. Soon smooth sailing interest, celebrated by the people on board survived, both in heaven and help, each other to celebrate. Until the time the boat dock, suddenly found a large wood has disappeared, by asking local people, I discovered laws of grass into a cedar boat, but the magical skill of Matsu. This is the legendary "save the business of grass."本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第2个回答  2010-05-09
Have a merchant ship through the inclusion of rock by giant ship foundered Angle, wind, water surged into the cabin, it is critical that ship cry for help, people know, very anxious matsu, busy to villagers said: first, the merchant nearly-sunk doraemon should hurry to rescue. But everyone looked forward, not storm. At this critical juncture, mazu ewebeditor feet will find some grass roots, into the sea. One tender moment's reprieve, several big fir, grass becomes flow near the ship sailed, ShangZhou have big fir, so not sunk. Soon, the flat, the waves of survived in heaven, and help each other. Until the ship ashore, suddenly found the missing, wood, and realize the XiangRen ask CaoCheng fir attached, but the boat. Magic matsu This is the legendary "save shang" grass.

第3个回答  2010-05-15
Have a merchant ship through the inclusion of rock by giant ship foundered Angle, wind, water surged into the cabin, it is critical that ship cry for help, people know, very anxious matsu, busy to villagers said: first, the merchant nearly-sunk doraemon should hurry to rescue. But everyone looked forward, not storm. At this critical juncture, mazu ewebeditor feet will find some grass roots, into the sea. One tender moment's reprieve, several big fir, grass becomes flow near the ship sailed, ShangZhou have big fir, so not sunk. Soon, the flat, the waves of survived in heaven, and help each other. Until the ship ashore, suddenly found the missing, wood, and realize the XiangRen ask CaoCheng fir attached, but the boat. Magic matsu This is the legendary "save shang" grass.
第4个回答  2010-05-09
Have a merchant ship through the inclusion of rock by giant ship foundered Angle, wind, water surged into the cabin, it is critical that ship cry for help, people know, very anxious matsu, busy to villagers said: first, the merchant nearly-sunk doraemon should hurry to rescue. But everyone looked forward, not storm. At this critical juncture, mazu ewebeditor feet will find some grass roots, into the sea. One tender moment's reprieve, several big fir, grass becomes flow near the ship sailed, ShangZhou have big fir, so not sunk. Soon, the flat, the waves of survived in heaven, and help each other. Until the ship ashore, suddenly found the missing, wood, and realize the XiangRen ask CaoCheng fir attached, but the boat. Magic matsu This is the legendary "save shang" grass.



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