
我们老师布置了作业 我七拼八凑凑到了一首 看看下 行不 ? In the Quiet Night Seeing the moon before my window so bright I thought hoarfrost had fallen from the night. Raising my head to look, I found that it was moonlight. Lower my head , make me bethink my childhood when I'm eight. 只有最后一句是我自己写的 前面的都或多或少地修改了一点

第1个回答  2019-11-09
《Missing in the quiet evening》
There is moonlight beside my bed,
There is like frost on the ground;
Raise my head, staring the moon,
Lower my head, missing my hometown.
第2个回答  2019-12-02
The bright moonlight in front of the bed is suspected to be frost on the ground.
Raising my head, I see the moon so bright; withdrawing my eyes, my nostalgia comes around.
第3个回答  2018-12-30
Moonlight pales on my bedroom floor
Is it frost frozen in late fall
Raise eyes, moon hung far and bright
Bow head, suddenly I am homesick so
第4个回答  2019-08-24
第5个回答  2018-09-22
A Tranquil Night 《静夜思》 Before my bed a pool of light, 床前明月光, Is it hoarfrost(白霜) upon the ground. 疑是地上霜。 Eyes raised, I see the moon so bright; 举头望明月, Head bent(卷曲), in homesickness I'm drowned. 低头思故乡。



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