
林语堂的长篇英文小说《京华烟云》中的女主人公姚木兰和美国女作家玛格丽特•米切尔的长篇小说《飘》中女主人公斯嘉丽这两个人物同样美丽、聪慧, 但不同的文化又造就了两人对人生和生活的态度极大的不同。
“儒、道两家文化是中华民族传统文化的两大支柱。从某种意义上说, 中华民族传统文化就是儒、道两家互补的文化。”“京华烟云”从篇首到篇尾一直贯穿着的道家思想, 姚木兰实质上是道家的女儿。也就是说, 她的身上带有一种文化的标识, 作者塑造这一形象,赋予着一定的文化意义。
在西方社会, 人们追求个性的发展, 他们的人生价值观与中国的传统妇女的完全不同。斯嘉丽的身上就留有“美国精神”的深深烙印。美国精神在这里指的是一种个人主义和个人奋斗; 体现在斯嘉丽身上就是她的勇敢坚强、努力开创的精神。
贤良淑德的木兰,和为了达到个人目的不择手段的斯嘉丽。这种实用的精神贯穿于整个美国文化传统, 渗透到美国社会的各个方面。斯嘉丽的自私自利正是这种文化的一种体现。但无疑也代表着一种进取与坚韧、执着与追求。
这是一种文化! 也许任何东西都有其两面性的, 文化也是如此。同样,姚木兰身上所体现的完美———宽容与从容、善良和纯洁, 在纯美的同时, 也不无看出这种文化的虚无! 忽视人性、尤其是人性弱点之所在。
林语堂用中国文化塑造的姚木兰和玛格丽特•米切尔用美国文化塑造的斯嘉丽有同样迷人的魅力, 有同样旺盛的生命力。尽管她们不属于同一时代、同一国度, 但是她们鲜活的形象永远会留在读者心目中。不同的文化孕育不同的性格, 但无论什么样的文化都是思考的, 也需要变更和完善。

第1个回答  2009-04-20
用《多国语言超级翻译家专业版》试试~据说是世界最好的专业翻译软件..我用的是金山高质量全文翻译《Hua clouds and mist in the city 》medium Yao wood orchid with 《float 》medium the Si Jia beautiful personality contrast
The long rticle of Lin2 Yu3 Tang2 English novel 《Hua clouds and mist in the city 》medium hostess male Yao wood orchid and American woman writer Margaret?The rice slices the novel of Er 《float 》medium hostess male Si Jia beautiful se two personal things equally beautiful, astute Hui, but the different culture educated the tremendous dissimilarity of the attitude of two people to the life and the life again.
The life attitude of one leisurely and contented nature with found spirit actively and upward of contrast
"Ru, way two cultures are Chinese nation traditions culture of two big pillar.Say from a certain meaning, the traditional culture of the Chinese nation's ising a Ru, way is two cultures which with each other repair.""Hua clouds and mist in the city" the head arrives an article from the article, the tail has been pierce through of Taoist thought, the Yao wood orchid is substantially the daughter of Taoist.Be also say, her body takes to have a kind of marking of culture and the author molds this image and give certain cultural meaning.
At the west society, people pursue the traditional women of the development of character, their lifes value and China of totally different.The Si Jia beautiful body stays to have deeply brand of"Americanism".Americanism what to be mentioned is a kind of individualism here with personal struggle; Now of body the Si Jia beautiful body be her brave strong, make great effort to found of spirit.
Wise and good Shu virtuous wood orchid, with for attaining personal Si Jia that the purpose stop at nothing beautiful.This kind of practical spirit pierces through at the whole American cultural tradition and seep through each aspect of American society.The Si Jia is beautiful selfish is exactly a kind of body of this kind of culture now.But doubtless also represent a kind of enterprising and tough and resilient, persist and pursue.
This be a kind of culture! Perhaps any thing has it both sides, the culture is also such.Same, the Yao wood orchid body is perfect now the body-tolerate with calmly, docile with clean and pure, at purely in the meantime, also not do not see this kind of cultural of nihilist! It neglect human nature and particularly is the place of human nature weakness.
Does Lin2 Yu3 Tang2 use the Yao wood that the Chinese culture mold orchid and Margaret?The rice slices Er to use the Si Jia that the American culture mold beautiful have same glamour, have the same the prosperous vitality.Though they don't belong to for same ageses, same country, but their flexible images will stay in the reader's heart forever.The different culture conceives different personality, but no matter what kind it is of all of cultures be thinkings of, also need to be change with perfect.


第2个回答  2009-04-19




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