



第1个回答  2009-04-21
材料1. 据历史记载,玛雅人有一个被称为“人类头脑最光辉的产物”的数学体系,玛雅人(或他们的欧梅克祖先)独立发展了零的概念,它的发明与使用比亚非古文明中最早使用“零”的印度还要早一些,比欧洲人大约早了800年。 并且使用二十进制的数字系统;数字以点(・)代表1,横棒(-)代表5。碑文显示他们有时会用到到亿。
材料2. “0”的发明和传播
第2个回答  2009-04-30
the concept of zero as a numerical term started in India and was used in the Arabic numeric system. it was very slow to spread into European countries because in trade the use of mathematic calculations was widely untrusted by those who did not understand it.
Most people may not necessary appreciate the importance of the number zero, besides the fact that you would love to have a lot of them behind some other numbers in your bank account. In fact, you would think that the number zero is just like any other number. Nothing special about it! Well, after you read through this very brief history of the number zero, hopefully you would see it in a new light.

Believe it or not! The number zero that we are accustomed to, came into existence rather late, around 200 A.D. (centuries after the great Classical Greek Period, which can arguably be called the origin of the modern mathematics). The number zero as we know it was conceived by the Hindus from India. The Hindus were the first to recognize a mathematical representation of concept of no quantity. It had not occurred to earlier civilizations, even to the Greeks, that it would be useful to have a number which represents the absence of any objects. Connected with this late appearance of the number is the second significant fact, namely, that zero must be distinguished from nothingness (null). Undoubtedly it was the inability of earlier peoples to perceive this distinction which accounts for their failure to introduce the zero. This was very understandable because the difference is very subtle. You can see the distinction of zero and nothing by considering the following examples: A person's grade in a course he never took is no grade or nothing. But he may, however, have a grade of zero. Or if a person has no account in a bank, his balance is nothing. On the other hand, if he has a bank account, he may very well have a balance of zero.

That was interesting, but you may think, " what else can someone possibly say about the number zero, it is just a number..." Well, zero is not just a number it is a very important number. With the availability of zero, mathematicians were finally able to develop our present method of writing whole numbers. First of all we count in units and represent large quantities in tens, tens of tens, tens of tens of tens, etc. Thus we represent one hundred twenty-three by 123. The left-hand 1 means, of course one tens of tens; the 2 means two times ten; and the 3 means three units. The concept of zero makes such a system of writing quantities practical since it enables us to distinguish 11 and 101. Because ten plays such a fundamental role, our number system is called the decimal system, and ten is called the base. The use of ten resulted most likely from the fact that man counted on his fingers and, when he had used the fingers on his two hands, considered the number arrived at as a larger unit. Because the position of an integer determines the quantity it represents, the principle involved is called positional notation. The decimal system of positional notation is due to the Hindus; however, the same scheme was used two millenniums earlier by the Babylonians, but with base 60 and in more limited form since they did not have zero.

So the fact that the number zero had been elusive for thousands of years is fascinating. Even more interesting is that zero had become the basis for our current number system. Most people may not see or even care about the importance of this special number. Aren't glad you stop by?

The above excerpt comes from a book called "Mathematics for the
第3个回答  2009-04-20
第4个回答  2009-05-03
在1208年时将印度的阿拉伯数字引入本书,并在开头写了“印度人的9个数字,加上阿拉伯人发明的0符号便可以写出所有数字……”由于一些原因,在初时引入0这个符号到西方时,曾经引起西方人的困惑, 因当时西方认为所有数都是可数,而且0这个数字会使很多算式,逻辑不能成立(如除0),甚至认为是魔鬼数字,而被禁用。直至约公元15,16世纪0和负数才逐渐给西方人所认同,才使西方数学有快速发展。

第5个回答  2009-04-23




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