
交货日期:合同签定后,买方先预付10%货款,卖方在收到货款后,需在拾个工作日内完成生产,并通知买方上门验收,又在买方验收完成且付完剩余90%货款后发货至买方的使用所在地. 卖方保证货品在装运时符合使用商的使用标准。
币 种:本合同所涉及之货款,除特别注明外,均按人民币结算。
票 据:国内增值税发票。

第1个回答  2009-03-19
Enter the necessary language translation, up to 200 bytes delivery date: after signing the contract, the buyer 10% advance payment, the seller, after receipt of payment, to be picked up at the completion of the production of working days and notify the buyer's home inspection, Also in the buyer's acceptance and payment after the completion of the remaining 90% payment after delivery to the buyer's use of the seat. seller guarantee at time of shipment of goods in line with the use of business use of the standard. Currency: The contract involves the payment, unless otherwise stated, are the renminbi clearing. Notes: domestic value-added tax invoices. Place of delivery: Beijing Payment: contract signed, the first
第2个回答  2009-03-19
第3个回答  2009-03-19
Delivery: first, the buyer after the contract, the seller in advance by 10% payment after receiving payment, picked up in production workdays, and notify the buyer of the door, and in the buyer's acceptance inspection and paid 90% complete payment surplus after shipment to the buyer's use of the seller guarantee that the goods in. When used with the shipment using standard.
A: this contract currency of payment involved, unless otherwise specified, all press RMB.
Tickets according to domestic value-added tax invoice.
Delivery location: Beijing
Payment: after the contract was signed by the buyer, the seller in advance, and 10% of production is completed and acceptance of residual payments after payment.
One year warranty terms: machine, electric components warranty guarantee for six months, not warranty scope parts.
Unmentioned matters, the parties may be friendly negotiation. An attachment and this contract are equally valid.
From the execution of the contract and its appendices dispute, which shall be settled through friendly consultations. If you do not agree, the parties may apply for arbitration or to negotiate the court has jurisdiction.
Both confirmed contract stamped (this is also effective supply contract fax).
Tax and the seller should contain freight, the buyer has received the goods in 2 days (not including tickets and drive door installation debugging within the time).



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