用被动语态把下列句子翻译成中文 1. 最近英语课上经常使用电脑。 2. 下个月要上映三部新影片。

1. 最近英语课上经常使用电脑。 2. 下个月要上映三部新影片。 3. 这个房子是什么盖好的? 4. 我的信已经被寄出了吗? 5. 在离开教室之前必须关灯。 6. 这些规则必须牢记在心。
7. 我们学校的礼堂每星期打扫一次。
8. 我弟弟的作业1小时前被检查过了。
9. 那个淘气的男孩上星期受伤了。现在被照顾得非常好。
10. 这些植物已经浇过水了。
11. 这些模型是在英国手工制造而成的。
12. 每年成千上万的杂志印刷出来。
13. 无论在哪,老年人应当被好好照顾。
14. 她经常被我们看见在打扫教室。
15. 动物园的老虎一天喂三次食。

第1个回答  推荐于2016-10-11

    The computer has  often been  used in English class recently.

    Three new movies will be shown next month.

    这个句子有语病。什么  还是  怎么?

    How is the house built? 这个房子是怎么盖的?

    Has my letter been posted already?

    Lights must be turned off before leaving the classroom.

    These rules must be kept in mind.

    The hall of our school is cleaned each week.

    My brother's homework was checked an  hour ago.

    The naugty boy got injured last week. He is now being taken good care of.

    These plants have been watered.

    These models are made by hand in Britain.

    Thousands of magazines are printed every year.

    Wherever they are,the old should be taken good care of.

    She if often seen cleaning the classroom by us.

    The tigers in the zoo are fed three times per day.




When was the house built?



最后一题是three times a day 吧


a day 也对。per 是每一的意思

第2个回答  2015-06-26
1. Recently,the English class ofen use computer.
2.Next month, three films are going to be released.
3. What is the material of this house?
4. Has my letter been sent out?
5. The lights must be turned off before leaving the classroom.
6. These rules must be kept in mind.
7. The auditorium of our school is cleaned once a week.
8. My brother's homework was checked before 1 hour ago.
9. The naughty boy was injured last week.Now he is being well taken care of .
10. The plants has been planted.
11. These models are made by hand in England.
12. Every year tens of thousands of magazine are printed.
13.Wherever, the elderly should be taken good care of.
14. She is often seen to clean the classroom by us.
15. The tigers at the zoo are fed for three times a day .

第3个回答  2015-06-26

    Recently,the computer has often been used in English classes.

    There will be on three new movies next month.

    When did this house be built?

    Was my letter sent?

    The light must be switch off when you leave the classroom.

    These rules must be kept in your mind.

    Our school hall is swept once a week.

    The homework of my little brother has already been checked an hour ago.

    That naughty boy injured last week.Now he is being looked after well/taken good care of.

    These plants have already been watered.

    These models are made in English by hand.

    Thousands of magazines are printed every year.

    No matter where the old are,they should be looked after well/taken good care of.

    She was often seen by us when cleaning the classroom.

    The tigers in the zoo are fed three times a day.

第4个回答  2015-06-26
1. Recently, The computer has been used frequently during the English class. 2. Three movies will be on screen next month. 3. What does this house built by? 4. Has my letter been sent? 5. Lights have to be turned off before you leaving the classroom. ……以此类推。
第5个回答  2015-06-26
1in English class.



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