

第1个回答  2009-04-04
名词、冠词、代词 练习题
1. This is ________ that we all think it’s very important. A. such useful information B. so useful an information C. so useful information D. such a useful information
2. -----________ it is to play basketball after a whole day of work!----- Yeah, I quite agree with you.
A. What a fun B. How a fun C. What fun D. How fun
3. What __ today! A. a fine weather it isB. fine weathers they areC. fine weather it is D.fine weather they are
4. Mr. Smith gave us _on how to learn English well. A. an advice B. some advice C. some advices D. many advices
5. -----Are you going to call at _______ now? -----No, ________ are having supper at this moment.
A. Whites; the Whites B. White’s ; the WhitesC. the Whites; Whites D. the White’s; Whites
6. It’s a long ___ from here to Harbin. It’s more than two thousand kilometers.A. road B. end C. way D. street
7. Look at your __. You have some grey __ now.A. hair; hairs B. hairs ; hairs C. hair; hair D. hairs; hair
8. I know it’s good to have ____ in the morning, but I never do morning _____.A. exercise; exercise
B. exercises; exercise C. exercises; exercises D. exercise; exercises
9. -----Will you please pass me some ________ ?-----OK, but there is only a little now.
A. orange B. apples C. pears D. tomatoes
10. Here are some birthday cards with our best ___ for you.A. hope B. hopes C. wish D. wishes
11. The third day of the week is ________.A. Tuesday B. Monday C. Wednesday D. Thursday
12. Which of the following seasons is the best one for planting trees.A. spring B. summerC. autumn D. winter
13. Those ________ students like football while these ________ teachers like volleyball.
A. boy; woman B. boys; women C. boy; women D. boys; woman
14. Jack wasn’t in when I went to his home. So I left a ____.A. news B. sentence C. message D. excuse
15. The _____ we can’t work out now is that we have too many ____ to ask now.A. problem; questions B. question; problems C. problem; problems D. question; questions
16. ----What was the ____ yesterday?----It was October 1.A. time B. day C. date D. month
17. His father worked for ________ after twelve o’clock.A. another three hour’s B. more three hours
C. three another hours D. three more hours
18. The naughty boy is always making a lot of ___ in class.A. voice B. noise C. sound D. shout
19. Will you please make some _for me to take a seat? I have stood too long.A. room B. roomsC. place D. seats
20. Shanghai is my second ________ , because I have lived here for quite a few years.
A. family B. house C. home D. station
21.What’s your __ for being late this time. Why are you always so late?A. idea B. excuseC.mind D.thinking
22. -----My pencil-case is different from _____.----But ________ is the same as mine.
A. Tom; yours B. Tom ; your C. Tom’s ; your D. Tom’s ; yours
23. That’s _____ bedroom. The twins like it very much.
A. Mary and Ann B. Mary and Ann’s C. Mary’s and Ann D. Mary’s and Ann’s
24. My sister Sally always wears beautiful _____.A. clothes B. cloth C. clothing D. dressing
25. Bird Flu is a new kind of ___ in the world today.A. cough B. medicine C. disease D. cancer
26. -----Do you know where Mr. Smith is?---- Yes, he is in ________.
A. Room five B. the five room C. Five Room D. Room Five
27. -- What does MTV stand for? -- It stands for ________ TV. A. Model B. Music C. Middle D. Milk
28. Before we order some dishes in a restaurant, one of the waiters usually offers us a _____.
A. list B. menu C. form D. bill
29. If you want to know more about Dell laptop, you may search the ___.A. computer B.radioC.InternetD. TV
30. The sign “This Way Out ” is often seen in a _____.A. room B. classroom C. hotel D. family
31. ________ comes from pigs and ________ comes from cows.
A. Pork; milk B. Meat; wool C. Chicken; wool D. Milk; pork
32. -----It is always goes up and never goes down. What is it?----It must be _________.
A. air B. temperature C. age D. water
33. Chinese people usually put their _______ before their second names.
A. given names B. family names C. full names D. large names
34. ----- Which ________ do you like best?--- I like biology best.
A. sports B. subject C. game D. book
35. I have many ___ in my pocket. A. ten dollars B. ten dollar’s C. ten-dollars D. ten-dollar
36. Everybody knows that football is a popular ___ around the world.A. ball B. play C. game D. sport
37. At today’s meeting we had ___ about how to protect our environment.
A. word B. words C. a discussion D. a notice
38. The other day we bought a TV ________. A. machine B. set C. piece D. pair
39. Some _____came to our factory for a visit last Sunday.A. German B. Germen C. Germany D. Germans
40. -----Excuse me, can you tell me where the ________ is? ---This way, please.
A. men’s room B. mens’ room C. men’s rooms D. mens’ rooms
41. Jack White is _____.A. a friend of my father’s friend’s B. a friend of my fathers
C. a friend of my father D. a friend of my father’s
42. Tom can play the piano very well. Can you ask him to play us a ___.A. programB. pieceC. showD. music
43. Let’s share the apple. I shall cut it ______.A. in half B. into pieces C. on half D. in pieces
44. Nowadays most of the middle school students want to go to college for further________.
A. life B. science C. information D. education
45. We shall have ________ in ourselves, that is to say we should believe ourselves.
A. knowledge B. progress C. confidence D. success
46. The TV ___ on Channel III is about music.A. performances B. experiences C. programs D. problems
47. Look! Your trousers are broken. Please go and buy another ____.A. trousers B. one C. pair D. ones
48. I want to buy that coat for my son but I don’t know if it is his ________.
A. model B. coat C. size D. clothes
49. See what you have done! Don’t you have ______ of right or wrong?
A. sense B. feeling C. thought D. knowledge
50. Last Sunday his family went to _____.A. the child’s Park B. the Children’s parkC. the Children’s Park D. the Childrens’ park
51. Father always tells me“Try to be ____ honest boy today and _____ useful man tomorrow.”
A. an; a B. a; a C. an; an D. a; an
52. That’s __ 180-meter-long bridge, not __ 80-meter-long bridge.A. a; an B. an; a C. a; the D. the; a
53. Washington is ___ capital of ___ United States.A. the; \ B. \; the C. D. a; the D. the; the
54. You have dropped ________ “s” and ________ “u” when you write the word.
A. a; an B. a; a C. an; an D. an; a
55. My parents usually go out for ___walk after ___ tea. A. a; a B. a; \ C. the; a D. \; the
56. English is ________ language for me to learn.
A. quite difficult B. a quite difficult C. quite a difficult D. the quite difficult
57. After ________ quick breakfast, Tom hurried to ________ school.A. \; \ B. the; \ C. a; \ D. a; a
58. In __coming year father will do most of ____ cleaning.A. a; the B. the; the C. \; \ D. the; \
59. It is ___ pleasure to work with these farmers in _____ black.A. the;\ B. a; \ C.\; \ D. the; the
60. The boy sitting ________ the moving car is ________ university student.
A. in front of; a B. in the front of; a C. in front of; an D. in the front of; a
61. ____ boy in ____ Grade Two is the tallest in our school.A. The; \ B. The; the C. \; the D. \; \
62. He used to go swimming in ______ summer but since _______ summer of 1997 he gave it up.
A. the; \ B. the; a C. \; a D.\; the
63. ________ Browns are talking about the picture on _____ left.A. The; \ B. The; the C. \; \ D. \; the
64. He likes to play ________ piano instead of playing ________ basketball.
A. the; the B. \; \ C. the; \ D. \; the
65. I am going to buy a map of _____ China and a map of _____ world.
A. the;\ B. \; the C. \; \ D. the; the
66. _____ poor in those days had ________ hard time.A. The; a B. The; \ C. A; a D. A; \
67. We often sail along ________ Yellow River, never along the coast of ________ Pacific Ocean.
A. the; the B. \; \ C. the; \ D. \; the
68. My grandpa is ill in ___bed. He is in ___ hospital now.A. the; \ B. \; the C. \; \ D. the; the
69. ________ Middle Autumn Day is another way of saying ________ Middle Autumn Festival.
A. \: \ B. The; \ C. \; the D. The; the
70. Those men went on working in the fields ________ although it was very hot. A. hour after hour B. an hour after an hour C. hours after hours D. a hour after a hour
71. Did your brother go to ________ town or go to ________ city last Sunday?
A. the; \ B. \; the C. \; \ D. the; \
72. This time I didn’t go there by ______ train but I went there on ________ train last time.
A. \; \ B. the; the C. the; \ D. \; the
73. ___ third lesson is much more difficult than ___ Lesson Two.A. The; \ B. A; \ C. \; \ D.\; the
74. We all know that ___ sound doesn’t travel very fast on ____ moon.
A. \; the B. the; \ C. the; the D. \; \
75. Would you like to try _______ time?A. the second B. second C. the 2nd D. a second
76. Please wait here. I’m sure to be back in ____ hours. A. two and half a B. two and a half C.half and two D. two a half.
77. Two ______ died of cold last winter.A. hundreds old people B. hundreds old peoples
C. hundred old people D. hundred old peoples
78. 999 reads nine ______.A. hundreds and ninety ninth B. hundreds and ninety-nine
C. hundred ninety and nine D. hundred and ninety nine
79. -----How deep is the hole?---It is ________.
A. four meter deep B. four meters deep C. four-meter deep D. four-meters-deep
80. ______ trees were cut down near the village last month. We must plant more.
A. Many thousands B. Many thousands of C. Many thousand of D. Many thousand
81. Laughing at others is ____ we should never do.A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing
82. You can use anything freely in my room ____ you like.A. whenever B. wherever C. whatever D. however
83. If you run after two hares, you will catch ______.A. none B. neither C. nothing D. no one
84. -----Which of the three ways shall I take to that farm? ----________ way as you please.
A.No B.Every C.Any D.Either
85. You must never think that you are good at ___while others are good at ___A. everything something else B. everything…nothing C. all…none D. nothing …all
86. I invited Mary and Lucy to dinner, but ___ of them came. A. neither B. either C. none D. both
87. Some of the books belong to me, while the others are ___.A. him and her B. his and hers C. his and her D. him and hers
88. -----You're always working. Come on. Let's go shopping. ---____ you ever want to do is going shopping.
A. Anything B. Something C. All D. That
89. ---Do you want tea or coffee?---____. I really don't mind.A. Both B. None C. Neither D. Either
90. Every child should be taught how to get along with ___A. another B. other C. others D. an other
91. Those young trees are watered _____.A. each other day B. every other day C. each of two days D. every of two days
92. —Would you like some milk?—Yes, just _____.A. little B. very little C. a little D. little bit
93. Betty’s father kept telling her that he should work harder, but __ didn’t helpA. he B. which C. she D. it
94. I agree with most of what he said, but I don’t agree with ___.A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing
95. There is only one year between ___.A. you and he B. you and I C. him and her D. she and me
96. Can you come on Saturday or Sunday?—I’m afraid _ day is possible.A. either B. neither C. some D. any
97. My sister’s handwriting is better than ___in her class.A. anyone else B. anyone else’s C. anyone’s else D. anyone’s else’s
98. __ of us could work out the math problem because it was too difficult.A. Each B. Any C. No one D. None
99. The machines made in China are as good as ___ made in South Korea.A. they B. thoseC. these D. ones
100. __ of them agreed to help me yesterday, but no one has come so far. A. Every one B. Everyone C. Every D. Everybody

The keys
1--------5 ACCBB 6------10 CADAD 11-----15 DACCA 16-----20 CDBAC
21-----25 BDBAC 26----30 DBBCC 31-----35 ACBBD 36-----40 CCBDA
41-----45 DBADC 46----50 CCCAC 51-----55 AADDB 56-----60 CCBBB
61-----65 ADBCB 66----70 ADCCA 71-----75 BDAAD 76-----80 BCDBD
81-----85 BCBCB 86----90 ABCDC 91-----95 BCDAC 96--- 100 ABDBA本回答被提问者采纳



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