
摘 要:公共关系学的学习让自己大开眼界,公共关系是一种“管理职能、经营策略、传播行为及现代交往方式”。无论是对于组织还是对于个人竞争力的提高,都拥有无庸质疑的力量。本文通过各种案例分析描述了,在人际交往中应如何应用公关树立良好形象。

关键词:公关树立良好形象 公共关系 公共关系学

第1个回答  2009-04-10
Study public relations so that their eye-opening, public relations is a kind of "management functions, business strategy, communication behavior and the way modern exchanges." Whether it is for organizations or individuals for the improvement of competitiveness, have questioned the power of no. This paper describes a variety of case studies, interpersonal communication in the application should set a good image of public relations.
第2个回答  2009-04-09
Pick to: public relations of learning to let his eyes, public relations is a kind of "management functions, management strategy, and modern communication behavior way". Both organizations or individuals competitiveness, have no doubt. Through the analysis of cases described in interpersonal interaction, and how to establish good public image application.

Keywords: pr establishing good image of public relations public relations本回答被网友采纳




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