

第1个回答  2020-07-18
第2个回答  推荐于2016-12-01
1、Stop making so much noise ____ the neighbor will start complaining.
A. or else B. but still C. and then D. so that
2、We hope to go to the beach tomorrow, but we won’t go ____ it’s raining.
A. if B. when C. though D. because w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m
3、——The weather is too cold ____ March this year.
——It was still ____ when I came here years ago.
A. for; colder B. in; cold C. in; hot D. for; hotter
4、——How much vinegar did you put in the soup?
——I’m sorry to say, ____. I forget.
A. no B. no one C. nothing D. none
5、He is only too ready to help others, seldom, ____, refusing them when they turn to him.
A. if never B. if ever C. if not D. if any
6、——What should I wear to attend his wedding party?
——Dress ____ you like.
A. what B. however C. whatever D. how
7、——The research on the new bird flu virus vaccine is challenging and demanding. Who do you think can do the job?
——____ my students have a try?
A. Shall B. Must C. Will D. May
8、I’d like to live somewhere ____ the sun shines all year long.
A. which B. that C. where D. in which
9、I ____ to go for a walk, but someone called and I couldn’t get away.
A. was planning B. planned C. had planned D. would plan
10、——Your book, Tommy?
——No, Mom, it’s my friend’s.
——Remember to return it to ____ name is on it.
A. what B. which C. whose D. whosever
11、Thank you for sending us ____ fresh vegetables of many kinds. You have done us ____ a great service.
A. 不填;a B. the;a C. 不填;不填 D. the;不填
12、Now that we ____ all the money, it’s no use turning on me and saying it’s all my fault.
A. had lost B. lost C. have lost D. lose
13、We had a really bad time about six months ago but now things are ____.
A. looking up B. coming up C. making up D. turning up
14、——When did it begin to snow?
——It started ____ the night.
A. during B. by C. from D. at w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m
15、Young as he is, David has gained ____ rich experience in ____ society.
A. the; the B. a; 不填 C. 不填;不填 D. 不填;the
16、____ from endless homework on weekends, the students now find their own activities, such as taking a ride together to watch the sunwise.
A. Freed B. Freeing C. To free D. having freed
17、——So you missed the meeting.
——____. I got there five minutes before it finished.
A. Not at all B. Not exactly C. Not especially D. Not really
18、——Do you mind if I smoke?
A. Why not? B. Yes, help yourself C. Go ahead D. Yes, but you’d better not
19、——We must thank you for taking the trouble to cook us a meal.
A. With pleasure B. It doesn’t matter C. It was no trouble at all D. By all means
20、____ the temperature might drop, coal was prepared for warming.
A. To consider B. Considered C. Considering D. To be considered
1、A or else意为“要不然,否则”。
2、A 考查连词。根据语境用if引导条件状语从句。
3、A 本题考查考生运用介词和比较级的能力。For在这里是“就……而言”的意思,而第二个选项要抓住信息词still在此处的妙用,它是用来修饰比较级的,加上上文的cold,在此处就不难选择colder了。w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m
4、D 本题考查不定代词的本意区别及其与语境综合运用。此处none指的是not any vinegar,也就是说,此处可以这样理解:I’m sorry to say that I didn’t put any vinegar in the soup, because I forgot it.
5、B 本题考查考生在语境中灵活运用、辨析短语用法的能力,此处seldom,if ever是一个短语,是“从不,决不”的意思。
6、B 本题however you like相当于in whatever way you like,根据语境,不难判断出B为正确答案。
7、A 本题考查情态动词shall在主语是第二、三人称时,作为征求意见的用法。。
8、C 考查连接词。Where引导地点状语从句。
9、C 考查时态。had planned发生called和couldn’t get away之前。
10、D 考查连接代词。whosever既引导从句作介词to的宾语,又在从句中作定语。
11、A 考查冠词的用法。第一空表示泛指,而第二空构成一个短语do sb. a great service,其意思为“给某人提供好的服务”。Service在这里为抽象名词具体化。
12、C 考查动词的时态。根据句子的意思,表示发生在过去的动作对现在所产生的影响,所以应该用现在完成时。此句的意思是“由于我把所有的钱都丢失了,所以再开始说是我的过错也就没有意义了”。
13、A 考查动词短语的用法。look up的意思为“向上看”、“尊敬”、“仰望”、“查寻”、“拜访”、“好转”,在本语境中为“好转”。
14、A 考查介词表示时间的用法。during the night的意思为“在晚上的某个时间”。
15、C 考查冠词的用法,experience意思为“经验”时是一个不可数名词,当意思为“经历”时是一个可数名词。本题是他在社会中赢得了很丰富的经验,experience在此为不可数名词,社会在这里是抽象名词,所以不加冠词。
16、A 本题考查free的用法。在这里free的意思为:解除负担、义务或限制。在本题中,free和句子的主语之间是一种逻辑上是动宾关系,所以要用过去分词形式,表示一种被动与完成。
17、B 本题是对情景交际用语的考查。“你错过了开会”,而从答语中的“我在会议结束前五分钟到达会场”,可以看出答话者认为对方讲话不够确切,毕竟答话者参加了会议,只不过迟到而已。
18、C 本题考查交际用语,表示许可时,肯定回答常用“Yes, please./ Of course, you may./ Go ahead, please./ Not at all./ Just help yourself.”等表示。B和D选项前后矛盾。
19、C 本题考查交际用语。当对方表示感谢时,常用的答语有:You’re welcome./ It’s nothing./ That’s all right./ Don’t mention it./ It’s a pleasure./ It’s my pleasure./ That’s nothing./ It was no trouble at all.等。A项意思为“乐于效劳”;D项表示同意等;B项“不要紧、没关系”。
20、C 根据句意,该空须填一个连词。Considering连词,“就……而论;照……来看”。





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