

第1个回答  2009-04-12
Why would like to with you, I would like to gaze your eyes, because I love you.
Why did the early morning the first thought is you, the night of the last missing person or do you, because I love you.
I want to be with you for life and forever because I love you.
Dan, we have recently little chat, do not know why, do not know what topic to find. Sometimes do not know why, really want you, but to meet and then flushed, do not know what to say, perhaps because of too much love you ... ...
I trust you, I believe you love me, that confidence is because I love you ... ...
Dan, I have many, many words would like to tell you, but , I also said we should not export.I hope you forgive ~ ~ ~ not a cold shoulder to you, but too much love you, I beg your pardon, you can understand it?本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2009-04-11
Oh I love you(哦 我爱你)
第3个回答  2009-04-12



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