
1.中国不仅要发展物资文明(material civilization),也要发展精神文明(spiritual civilization)。2.你愿意成为一名软件工程师还是软件开发者?3.此外,你还可以获得一大笔钱。4.此外,你还可以在实习期(internship)积累工作经验。5.根据你目前的身体状况,你最好放弃这个任务。6.工作结束后,他就准备回学院。7.一旦你读完这本小说,就该动手写读书报告了。8.下面是我关于提高公司产品质量的建议。9.他想当一名软件工程师而不是一名软件开发员。10.老人想见的是孙子而不是儿子。11.他们种了许多水果,如橘子、苹果。12.我们学习电脑,以便跟上时代。13.为了取得更大进步,他每天用了更多的时间工作。14.没有证据不要乱讲。15.不要做没有把握(certainty)的事。

第1个回答  2013-11-15
1. China should not only develop its material civilization but develop its spiritual civilization as well.
2. Are you going to be a software engineer or a software developer?
3. In addition, you can earn a large sum of money.
4. Further more, you can accumulate work experience during your intership.
5. You'd better give up the task according to your present health condition.
6. He is going to go back to college after he finishes the task.
7. Once you finish reading the novel you will begin to write a report on it.
8. The following are my suggestions on how to improve the product quality of the company.
9. He hopes to be a sofware engineer rather than a software developer.
10. What the old man wants to see is his grandson not the son.
11. They have planted many fruits, such as oranges and apples.
12. We learn computers in order to catch up with the times.
13. In order to make more progress, he puts more time in his work every day.
14. Don't talk wild without proof.
15. Don't do anything without certainty.
16. Don't do aything that you are not certain.
第2个回答  2013-11-15
太简单啦,第一句 China is not only the
development of material
civilization , but also the
development of spiritual
civilization .



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