

第1个回答  2023-03-13
【 #三年级# 导语】语言是人类文化的载体和重要组成部分,每种语言都能表达出使用者所在民族的世界观、思维方式、社会特性以及文化、历史等,都是人类珍贵的无形遗产。而且英语的魅力不仅限于培养孩子的阅读能力和听读的能力,更能够让孩子通过新的语言和多元的思维,打开视野,沟通世界。以下是 无 整理的《冀教版小学三年级下册英语试题》相关资料,希望帮助到您。



  ( )1.A.milk   B.juice   C.rice  D.tea

  ( )2.A.chicken   B.vegetables   C.fish   D.meat

  ( )3.A.fifteen   B.fourteen   C.meat   D.eleven

  ( )4.A.morning   B.fruit   C.afternoon   D.evening

  ( )5.A.eat   B.supper   C.lunch   D.breakfast


  thirsty   am   is   like   breakfast

  are   do   evening   don’t   favourite

  1. I like porridge for________.

  2. ________ you like this?

  3. Dumplings ________ good.

  4. Would you _________ some noodles?

  5. I _________hungry.

  6.My __________ food is chicken.

  7.What ______for lunch?

  8.I go to bed in the __________.

  9.I’m _________! I want to drink.

  10.I __________like vegetables.


  ( )1.Would you like some ________soup?

  A.the   B.a   C.more

  ( )2.I like meat _____lunch.

  A.in   B.for  C.on

  ( )3.I ___________ in the morning.

  A.get up   B. go to bed   C.eat lunch

  ( )4.Rice __________good.

  A.am   B.is   C.are

  ( )5.当你睡觉前要向爸爸妈妈到晚安时,你应该说:________

  A.Good morning!   B.Good night!   C.Good afternoon!

  ( )6.当别人问你:Would you like some soup?如果你不想要,你可以礼貌地说:________

  A.Yes,please!   B.No,I don’t!   C.No,thanks!

  ( )7.当你想表达自己很饿,想吃东西时,你可以说:__________

  A.I’m hungry! I want to eat.

  B.I’m thirsty! I want to eat.

  C.I’m hungry! I want to drink.

  ( )8.假如你不喜欢吃肉,你可以说:__________

  A.I like meat.   B.I don’t like to meat.   C.I don’t like meat.

  ( )9.当你想知道晚饭吃什么时,你应该问:___________

  A.What’s it?

  B.What’s for supper?

  C.What’s for dessert?


  A.My favourite food is noodles.

  B.I like noodles.

  C.I am hungry.


  A. thirteen   B. nine   C. twelve   D. fourteen E. fifteen

  ( )1. 21-12=   ( )2. 7+8=   ( )3. 17-4=

  ( )4. 29-15=   ( )5. 23-11=


  ( )1.What’s your favourite food?

  ( )2.Are you thirsty?

  ( )3.Would you like some more fish?

  ( )4.Do you like juice?

  ( )5.What are they?

  A. Yes,I like juice.

  B. They are eggs.

  C. No ,I’m not thirsty.

  D. My favourite food is meat.

  E. Yes,please!


  一、 根据所给汉语,选择正确的英语,将序号填到括号里。

  1.动物园   A.animal   B.zoo

  2.大的   A.eight   B.big

  3.尾巴   A.tail   B.leg

  4.森林   A.tree   B.forest

  5.四   A.five   B.four

  6.鸟   A.little   B.bird

  7.游泳   A.swim   B.farm

  8.飞   A.hi   B.fly

  9.跳舞   A.dange   B.dance

  10.我   A.I   B.you


  ( )1.I___out,thank you.

  A.are   B.is   C.am

  ( ) 2. ___happened ?

  A.What   B.How   C.Where

  ( ) 3.Can___help you ?

  A.me   B.I   C.my

  ( )4.We are______.

  A.friend   B.friends   C.friendes

  ( )5. ______can say moo moo.

  A.Dog   B.Fish   C.Cow

  ( )6. ______can swim.

  A.Cat   B.Rabbit   C.Fish

  ( )7.Can it fly ?No,it______.

  A.cann’t   B.can’t   C.can’not

  ( )8.Where______the cat ?

  A.is   B.are   C.can

  ( )9.I can ______.

  A. sings   B.sing   C.singing

  ( )10. ______is the rabbit ? It’s under the desk.

  A.What   B.What’s   C.Where

  ( )11.Is it a cat ? ______,it isn’t.

  A.Yes   B.No   C.Not

  ( )12.What’s in the box ? ______animal.

  A.An   B.A   C.an

  ( )13.Can it______ ?

  A.swims   B.swim   C.swimming

  ( )14.Birds can______.

  A.jump   B.run   C.fly

  ( )15. ______nose is long.

  A.It’s   B..Its   C.It

  ( )16.What______they eat ?

  A.do   B.does   C.are

  ( )17.How many______are there ?

  A.monkey   B.monkeys   C.onkies

  ( )18.The monkey______a long tail.

  A.have   B.has   C.had

  ( )19.Cats eat______,and tigers eat______.

  A.meat;fish   B.banana;fish   C.fish;meat

  ( )20.Tigers eat______.

  A.leaves   B.meat   C.apples

  21.A snake lives in a______.

  A.forest   B.tree   C.hole

  22.Animals______the farm.

  A.on   B.at  C.in

  23.What animal can fly ? ______.

  A.Hippo   B.Bear   C.Bird

  24. ______monkeys are there ? Ten.

  A.What   B.How   C.How many

  25. ______do they live ?

  A.Where   B.What   C.How many


  1、当你想说“这是一只狗吗?”,你应该怎么说:( )

  A.This is a dog .

  B.Is this a dog ?

  C.What is this ?

  2、当你想说“它们能做什么?”,你应该怎么说:( )

  A.What can you do?

  B.What can they do ?

  C.What do you do?

  3、当你想说“哪儿有几只猴子?”,你应该怎么说:( )

  A.How many monkey are there?

  B.How many monkeys are there?

  C.How many monkeys are they?

  4、当你遇到危险时,你应该怎么说办:( )

  A.Wa wa,wa

  B.Can I help you ?


  5、当有人问你:“What animal has a long nose ”,你应该怎么说:( )

  A.A elephant has a long nose .

  B.An elephant .

  C.Elephant has a long nose .


  ( )1、What can you do ?   A. In a river

  ( )2、What animal has fur?   B.Yes .It is

  ( )3、Is this a cat ?   C.I can say“Holley”

  ( )4、Dose a wolf have a tail ?   D.A tiger

  ( )5、Where dose a fish live ?   E.Yes.It has a tail



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