
中译英1她喜欢弹钢琴吗?(fond)2儿童节,所有公园里挤满了孩子.(be crowded)3我们班大多数女同学对英语很感兴趣.(most of)4尽管前两次失败,他又试了第3次(in spite of)5我们应该努力准时完成任务(make an effort)6学生们有时间总会回来看望老师(call on)7中学生不应过分注重穿着(care for)8上周五晚上,我们学校附近的那家工厂着火了(catch fire)9我前天在超市偶然遇到了一个老朋友(come across)10祝贺你通过驾驶考试(congratulate)

第1个回答  2013-08-14
1、She likes to play the piano?(喜欢)。2、Children's day, all the children in the park.(被拥挤的)。3、Our class most female classmate to English very interested.(大部分)。4、Despite the two losses, before he tried a third (尽管)。5、We should try to finish the work on time(努力)。6、The students have time always come back to visit the teacher(拜访)7、Students should not be too much attention(护理)。8、On Friday evening, the factory near our school was on fire(着火)。9、Yesterday I ran into a supermarket in the old(碰到)。10、Congratulate you pass the driving test (祝贺)。
第2个回答  2013-08-14
1.Is she fond of playing the piano?2.In Children's Day, all of the parks are crowed with children3.Most of the girl students in our class are interested in English.4.He tried a third time in spite of the twice failiour5.We should make our efforts to finish the task on time.6.The students will always come and call on the teacher when they are free7.Middle school students shouldn't care for their dressing8.Last Friday night, the factory which is near our school caught fire9.I came across an old friend in a supermarket the day before yesterday10.Congratulations to you for passing the driving test.本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2013-08-14
1.Does she fond of playing piano?2.In The Children's Day ,all parks was crowed of children.3.Most of girls in our class have interest in English,4.In spite of two failure, he tried the third time.5.We must made our effort to finish the task on time.6.Students always call on their teachers if they are free.7.High school students couldn't care for the wear.8.Last Friday night, the factory which next to our school was catch fire9.The day before yesterday,I come across an old friend in the super market.10,Congratulate you on got the driving licence.




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