
当你踏进德国土地的一刹那,你会发现 他远比你想象的要令你惊讶。

你会发现 ,汉莎航空公司是世界上最安全的。

你会发现 即使在慕尼黑市中心,也没有高楼大厦耸入云端 而是一个个不超过10层的彩色公寓。

你会发现 ,不预约没有一辆出租车是招手即停的。

你会发现, 街上 、马路上不见一点垃圾 甚至是大片落叶。

你会发现, 没有机器或者售票员在地铁里检票。

你会发现 ,有轨电车会和汽车一起等红灯。

你会发现, 当你过马路时, 即使是红灯亮了, 司机还是会微笑的示意让你先过。

你会发现 ,马路上随处可见的是奔驰宝马,甚至出租车也不例外。
你会发现, 德国人的脸上总会洋溢着发自内心的笑,因为他们爱这个国家 爱这个民族。


第1个回答  2013-04-24
When you set foot in Germany at the moment of land, you will find that he is far better than you think make you surprised. You will find that Lufthansa is the safest in the world. You will find that even in the centre of Munich, no tall buildings towering clouds but bits of no more than 10 layer flat color. You will find that not booking no is waved that stopped a taxi. You will find that the street, no rubbish on the road, and even large leaves. You will find, there is no machine or the conductor ticket on the subway. You will find, trams and car with a red light, etc. You will find that, when you cross the road, even if the red light, the driver still will smile to you first. Everywhere you can discover, the road is the mercedes-benz BMW, even the taxi is no exception. You will find that the germans face always is permeated with heartfelt smile, love the nation because they love this country.
第2个回答  2013-05-04
When you set foot in Germany at the moment of land, you will find that he is far better than you think make you surprised. You will find that Lufthansa is the safest in the world. You will find that even in the centre of Munich, no tall buildings towering clouds but bits of no more than 10 layer flat color. You will find that not booking no is waved that stopped a taxi. You will find that the street, no rubbish on the road, and even large leaves. You will find, there is no machine or the conductor ticket on the subway. You will find, trams and car with a red light, etc. You will find that, when you cross the road, even if the red light, the driver still will smile to you first. Everywhere you can discover, the road is the mercedes-benz BMW, even the taxi is no exception. You will find that the germans face always is permeated with heartfelt smile, love the nation because they love this country.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2013-04-24




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