ebay商品限制,都过了好久了。还是这样的。要怎么样才能解决这个问题? 不能修改商品

Attention Sellers:
Attention!In order to maintain a safe trading environment, there is a limit to the item quantity which a seller can specify in one listing. The categories and types of items that are subject to limits and the quantity allowed may vary.You have reached the 30-day selling limit for the type of item you're trying to list. This means that while you can list other types of items, you will need to wait 30 days or until your other listings of this type have ended before you can list this item.Established accounts which demonstrate a history of excellent buyer satisfaction will be automatically subject to higher limits.友情提示:为了维护eBay安全的交易环境,对某些类别的物品,eBay卖家会受到每件刊登商品可刊登的出售数量的限制。 很抱歉,现在您所刊登的这类物品,已经达到了相应的限制,也就是说您当前暂时无法继续刊登该类物品,但这个限制不影响您刊登其它类别的物品。30天后或待您刊登的相同类别的其他物品刊登完结后,您就可以继续刊登该物品了。 但请您注意,受限的物品及/或每个卖家刊登某类物品的数量限制是会根据您的买家满意度而不断变化。感谢您的配合和理解。

第1个回答  2013-05-01
只能等待 什么事都做不了 这就是Ebay!!!本回答被提问者采纳



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