

第1个回答  2024-05-09
One of our most iconic symbols is the American flag, featuring 13 red and white stripes, each representing one of the original states, and a blue corner adorned with 50 white stars for the 50 current states. The flag, with its lyrics "O say can you see," is a common sight today. It serves as a poignant reminder of the events at the World Trade Center, which affected us all. "We're proud to be Americans," declare flags on front porches in small towns across the nation. Some homes appear purposefully built to fly the flag, as if it is incomplete without it, perfectly fitting. "We're Americans too," assert the flags, slightly crudely glued to the windows of urban apartments. The expression of patriotic intent is ubiquitous, with the simplest displays just as persuasive as those where a single flag was once considered insufficient. Rockefeller Center, with its 150 flags, is a vibrant sight, although it's doubtful that its management loves our country more than the owner of the smallest business, who proudly displays just one.
The Annin Flag Company is the maker of most American flags and currently faces a surge in demand that exceeds their capacity. However, you don't need to visit Annin to purchase a flag. Selling flags has become a common street corner enterprise, with operators setting up shops, where money often seems to outweigh the significance of the flags they sell.
The color of our flag, as well as the number of stars and stripes, is prescribed, yet there is no regulation on size. There are small flags on sticks made in China, while some flags in New York are so large they must be extended around corners. A beautiful flag hangs from the side of a firehouse, and to keep it pristine, they are washed regularly.
The flag has become a symbol that many wish to be associated with. It represents not only America but also institutions like Yale, the Episcopalian Church, J.P. Morgan, Maxwell, and the Ritz Tower.
Unfortunately, there are those who are more eager to appear patriotic than to embody patriotism. They blur the line between patriotism and commerce, using the flag in close proximity to business interests to sell goods and services. The American flag is even used to attract customers to restaurants featuring cuisine from Japan, Italy, and Afghanistan.
Although there is an official flag code, it is often overlooked. The code prohibits using the flag as an awning, canopy, or hood ornament, and dictates that it should not be used as decorative clothing. Some find the combination of the flag and fashion irresistible, and we are amused rather than critical.
The Star-Spangled Banner is meant to be flown freely on its own pole, majestically waving in our free air, as it was intended.详情




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