哪位高手给解释一下,老外总说的:"Ivan is Crazy"有什么典故么?谢谢了

我的英文名字是Ivan,老外每次见面或者听到这个名字的时候总是说一句:"Ivan is Crazy",我问他们为什么这个说,他们说这是美国的一个典故,哪位高手能给解释一下,这是啥典故啊?谢谢啦

第1个回答  2008-04-07
第2个回答  2008-04-07
The "Crazy" part of the name comes from the fact that these maneuvers were very sudden and "Ivan" was a common nickname used to refer to the Russians. A standard tactic of pursuing submarines would be to closely follow the Soviet submarine hidden right in the sonar gap, causing the U.S. submarine to go undetected. Because of this, there were two dangers for the submarine's crew. The first would be, of course, detection by the Soviet submarine if the sonar gap shifted and the U.S. Navy submarine would be revealed. A common countermeasure was to stop the engine and pumps in the pursuing sub and rapidly go for maximum silence, which would lead to the second danger, collision. With its inertial momentum, the U.S. sub's forward movement would continue with the possibility of collision with the unknowing Soviet submarine dead ahead in the process of turning sharply. An example of Crazy Ivan gone wrong happened on June 20, 1970, when USS Tautog collided with the Soviet Echo class submarine known as "Black Lila". Fortunately, both boats survived the collision.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2008-04-07



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