要去佳音英语学校面试 谁能帮我翻译一下以下这些话 非常感谢

大家好 很荣幸来到这里跟大家做自我介绍 我来自xxx学校 英语专业 今年大四 明年的七月份毕份毕业 来应聘这个职位是因为我觉得自己比较外向 很好相处 比较有耐心很喜欢和孩子呆在一起 跟他们共同学习共同进步 我曾在xx学校做过班主任 主要负责和学生家长还要老师沟通学生的学习进度 督促学生学习以及听写学生单词 安排学生在校的一些琐事 积累了许多工作经验 后来因为与学校考试等其他事的时间有冲突 并且那个工作工作时间比较长 没有自己的时间学习提升自己 因此选择了辞职 所以才想找一份兼职的工作 因为贵校在我市有很大的知名度 所以很早以前就听说过贵校 希望大家能认可和接纳我 我一定会好好工作 我将不断的努力学习 选择了就会很好的去执行。
最近觉得比较有趣的事就是因为最近没工作 所以趁着这个机会跟朋友好好的玩了几天 因为要不如社会了 所以更加珍惜和朋友同学在一起的时间 平时喜欢唱唱歌 上网看看英语课程的视频。
大学期间曾和全班一起去xx地旅游 虽然不是什么名胜古迹 但是由于是和全班同学一起 所以显得尤为的珍贵 那次旅行让我们的友谊又加深了不少 至今也觉得非常珍贵和难忘。
我终极的目标是能够成为一名能够被所有的学生认可和喜欢的真正的英语老师 我知道现在自身还有许多不足之处 所以我一直在改进和提升自己。

第1个回答  2012-11-30
Everyone is very honored to be here to introduce myself I am from XXX School English this year big four July next year after a graduation to apply for this position because I feel more outgoing, very good get along more patient 's love and children stay with them and the common progress of learning I've done in XX school teacher is mainly responsible for the parents and students and teachers to communicate their students' progress urge students to study and dictation students word students some trivial matters, accumulated a lot of experience later for school examinations and other things time in conflict and the work of a long time do not have their own time to learn to improve yourself so chose to resign to find a part-time job for your school in our city has a great reputation so long ago heard of your school. Hope you can approve and accept me I will work hard and I will continue to study hard choice will be good to carry out. Recently I feel more interesting thing is that because of the recent work so take advantage of this opportunity and friends to play a few days because of the need to better society so cherish and friends together of time usually like to sing on the Internet have a look English course video. University period once and the class to go XX tour although not places of historic interest and scenic beauty but because and class appear so particularly precious that trip, our friendship and to deepen the many still feel very precious and unforgettable. My ultimate goal is to become an accessible to all students recognition and love the real English teacher I know oneself have many shortcomings. So I've been to improve and enhance their own.
第2个回答  2012-11-30
第3个回答  2012-11-30
第4个回答  2012-11-30



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