
关键词: 效果论 障眼法 理性思维
关键词: 效果论; 障眼法 ;理性思维

第1个回答  2008-04-10
Abstract: Allen Poe is not only one of the most important poets and writers in the American early romanticism period, but also a master of literary theorist and critic in American literature history. He firmly believed that effect is his only pursuit. Besides, detective story is his another contribution, which enrich the subject and broaden the represent field of novel. His contribution has a profound significance to the afterworld and, at the same time, he was regarded as the originator of westen detective novel. This paper analyses camouflage method in Allen Poe's novel from the aspect of effect theory.
Key Words: effect theory camouflage rational thinking

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第2个回答  2008-04-10
Ellen • slope is not only the American early time romanticism important poet and the writer, in American history of literature important literature theoretician and critic. He thought that the effect is its pursue only goal. In addition his another contribution founded detective case deductive this type, has enriched the novel writing theme and the performance domain greatly, has had the profound influence to the later generation, is recognized for is the Western spy deductive first ancestor. This article will discuss from the effect embarks the brief analysis to Ellen • slope 's detective story “the camouflage”
效果论;Effect theory
障眼法 ;Camouflage
理性思维Rational thinking本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2008-04-10
Abstract: Ellen • slope is not only important to the United States early Romantic poets and writers, the history of American literature or important literary theorists and critics. He believes that effect is the sole purpose of their pursuit. In addition, he is creating another contribution to the Tan An inference novels of this type, greatly enriched fiction writing materials and performance areas, the future generations had a far-reaching impact, was generally acknowledged to be the western detective novels reasoning originator. In this paper, starting from the effects of the detective novels of Edgar Allan Poe's "cover-up operation"
第4个回答  2008-04-10
Abstract: Ellen • slope is not only important to the United States early Romantic poets and writers, the history of American literature or important literary theorists and critics. He believes that effect is the sole purpose of their pursuit. In addition, he is creating another contribution to the Tan An inference novels of this type, greatly enriched fiction writing materials and performance areas, the future generations had a far-reaching impact, was generally acknowledged to be the western detective novels reasoning originator. In this paper, starting from the effects of the detective novels of Edgar Allan Poe's "cover-up operation"
Key words: On the effect of a cover-up operation rational thinking



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