英文翻译日文 高悬赏急求高手翻译 谢谢了哦~

5. Conclusion
Social scientific research on supplier relations has been intricately linked to attempts at developing a valid theory ofthe firm that addresses both its internal governance and the boundary decision. From the supplier relations perspective, the theorizing was very much taken in two steps: first, firms decide over whether or not to make or buy (the boundary decision), and second, they decide over what sort ofrelations they wish to have with suppliers (arm’s-length or relational). Transaction cost economics (TCE) was used for the first decision (Williamson, 1975), while TCE was increasingly supplanted by other theories (e.g. on trust) to account for hybrid modes that lay between market and hierarchy (Adler, 2001). This marriage of TCE with other theories has beenuncomfortable, not least because TCE is primarily a static theory that has little to say about innovation and the internal governance offirms.
有给翻译一下的吗。。不用在线词典 谢谢了啊

第1个回答  2012-12-16
5 . conclusionsocial科学研究のサプライヤーの関系は复雑な连络しようと、発展のひとつの有効な理论の会社は、その内部者支配と境界の决定を解决する。サプライヤーから関系理论的には非常に多くの措置を讲じ:まず、会社を决定するかどうかか制造や购入(境界の决定)、次に、彼等は彼らの希望とどのような関系とサプライヤー(一臂や関系。取引コストは、経済学(トリクロロエチレン)には初めて决定(威廉姆森、1975)で、他の理论に取って代わりつつトリクロロエチレン(例えば信托)が混在モード间市场やレベル(艾德勒、2001)。この结婚のトリクロロエチレンと他の理论のbeenuncomfortableだけではなく、からトリクロロエチレン主は静の理论、言わない、革新と内部者支配offirms
第2个回答  2012-12-16
5. Conclusion
Social scientific research on supplier relations has been intricately linked to attempts at developing a valid theory ofthe firm that addresses both its internal governance and the boundary decision. From the supplier relations perspective, the theorizing was very much taken in two steps: first, firms decide over whether or not to make or buy (the boundary decision), and second, they decide over what sort ofrelations they wish to have with suppliers (arm’s-length or relational). Transaction cost economics (TCE) was used for the first decision (Williamson, 1975), while TCE was increasingly supplanted by other theories (e.g. on trust) to account for hybrid modes that lay between market and hierarchy (Adler, 2001). This marriage of TCE with other theories has beenuncomfortable, not least because TCE is primarily a static theory that has little to say about innovation and the internal governance offirms.
第3个回答  2012-12-16
第4个回答  2012-12-16
5。conclusionsocialサプライヤー関系の科学研究は复雑と开発のに有用な理论は、会社の内部の支配と二人の住所の境界の决定を下した。サプライヤ関系の目から见ると、この理论は非常に取るためにはまず、二つの手続きをさせるかどうかを决定するか购入会社(境界决定が)で最も多かった。続いて、彼らはどのようofrelationsとサプライヤー(と距离を置いてや関系)を记録した。取引コストの経済学(tce)が初の意思决定(をスカウトする、75)である一方、tceが他の理论(例えば、信頼)は、ハイブリッドモデルに横になり、市场とレベルの构造(阿ペトロ、01)だった。结婚生活のは他の理论はもうbeenuncomfortable tceだが、とにかくtceが主に一つの静的な理论は、どのように革新に関するや内部の支配offirmsだった。



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