

第1个回答  2022-10-14

Chinese beautiful soft silk is one of the most popular handcrafts representing China.

The quality is not only beautiful, but also colorful, silk, satin, silk, Luo, Kam, textile, velvet, crepe everything, reaching more than 10 major categories. There are thousands of species of Lu silk, such as the soft velvet, burnt-out geette light, beautiful colors of flowers interined

charmeuse, *** ooth as a mirror of the plain o-wire charmeuse. Satin-type fabricis, the most successful innovation, adopts the technology of shiny silver by ancient silk workers.

10~ 20 pieces of warp weaves show a variety of changing landscapes, flowers and brocade patterns. They are like Galaxy landing, the stars inkling. The ancient incense satin silk is interined with flowers and birds characters, which win great praise and love from the Chinese and foreign guests. They are honored as beautiful "flower of oriental art."

英语作文 家乡以丝绸为著名的作文


My hometown is in eternal blessing county, here is the famous Chinese "fushou town. 以前,我们县是各方面最落后的县,大多数的人生活水平很低,县城街道两旁的房子低矮破旧,马路也是狭窄又不平。

Previously, we county is various aspects most backward county, most people live at very low levels, the county on both side of the street house low shabby, the road is narrow and rough. 改革开放后,尤其是近几年,我们县城发生了翻天覆地的变化。

Since the reform and opening up, especially in recent years, our county has undergone earth-shaking changes. 你看那街道两旁郁郁葱葱的桂花树呀,一到开花季节,一阵阵清香扑鼻而来,让人心旷神怡; You see that line the streets lush GuiHuaShu ah, one to flowering season, waves infested scent and e, let a person relaxed and happy, 洁净宽阔的马路,漂亮整齐的楼房,新建成的美丽的居民小区,改建后焕然一新的学校,还有让大人、小孩休闲玩耍的天凤广场,在碧如玉带的西江河环绕下,为这座小城古镇增添了一份亮丽。

Clean the broad street, nice neat buildings, newly built the beautiful dweller, rebuilt after new-look school, there let *** and children's day to relax and play, such as in phoenix square of the xijiang river GHT silk, for this town around town add a bright beautiful. 优美的自然环境,清新的空气,让永福的长寿老人越来越多。

The beautiful natural environment, the fresh air, let ever blessed longevity more and more. 每天清晨,在天凤广场上,你会看到精神抖擞的老人们有的在打太极拳,有的练舞练剑,还有的在做永福人自创的福寿操…… Every morning, in the days of chicken on the square, you will see jingshendousou the old people in doing taiji, some practicing dance in practicing sword, and eternal blessing person do a made-up ampullarium *** ... 。

. 他们每个人的脸上都洋溢着喜悦。

They everybody's face lit up with joy. 是啊! Yeah! 他们哪有时间去老呢。

They which have time to old? 现在你会知道我的家乡为什么有那么多的百岁老人了吧。

Now you will know my hometown why there are so many centenarians now. 这就是我的家 ... This is my home. ... ...

英语作文 有关丝绸棉被

Water-Sprinkling Festival is a major festival of the Dai nationality that es about o weeks after Qingming Festival in early April. The first day just like the eve of Spring Festival, the third day just like the spring festival day, means a first of a new year, stands for new, happy and lucky day. On the morning of the first day of Water Sprinkling Festival, people of Dai nationality will go to Buddhist Temple for bathing their numen, and then begin to sprinkle with blessing each other. They are dancing as well as calling: "water! water! water!"During the Water Sprinkling Festival, young Dai people like playing Throw Seven-barks game to look for girlfriend or boyfriend. Boating Race is also very necessary during the days. It will hold in Lancang River, which will add more fun and happiness on the days!


The Story of SilkThe story of silk is a funny one.About 4,000 years ago the Chinese discovered the secret of the cocoon. No one knows exactly how or when this important discovery was made. One story says that a young princess was drinking tea in her garden and watching silkworms spin cocoons. By chance one dropped into her tea and the hot tea made it soft. When the girl tried to take the cocoon out of her tea, it became separated and she pulled out a long silk thread.The Chinese learned to weave the silk thread into cloth. For 2,000 years they were the only people who knew how to make silk. The Chinese merchants sold silk cloth throughout Asia and Europe and became rich.Silk was so expensive that it was called “the cloth of kings” .Everyone wanted to learn how to make silk, but the Chinese kept the secret carefully guarded①.Finally the secret was stolen. In the sixth century, o monks learned about the silkworms and their cocoons. They spent several years in China and finaly found a way to take some silkworm eggs out of the country. The monks always carried bamboo canes②. One day they hid some eggs in the hollow canes, and walked out of China with them. It is said that the development of the silk industry in other countries came from those few eggs which the monks had carried out of China.【词语解释】①kept the secret carefully guarded 严守秘密②bamboo canes 竹手杖【写法指要】这是一篇科技故事,讲的是丝绸的发现和发展的事。





1)丝绸的起源与发展 丝绸的起源可以追溯到5000年前的新石器时代。





2)起源与初创 我国有着许多关于丝绸起源的古老传说,甲骨文中也出现了蚕桑丝帛的文字。


3)创新与成熟 春秋至中唐的二千多年是我国丝绸生产古典体系的成熟时期。

此时,生产重心位于黄河中下游,绢帛成为 *** 赋税的重要内容。



4)融汇与发展 唐中叶至明清近一千年间,我国丝绸生产在融汇了西方纺织文化的基础上形成了新的技术体系。




英语作文 关于丝绸之路的求职信

Last sunday. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to qilianshanby bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,it began to rain,My West Lake silk umbrella missed,. Dad said to me,“Jill, don't do anything halfway.”at last,So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites, I was thirsty, my mother bought me a bottle of water, .finally we went home.finally,Since then, I've kept the umbrella。

i was very happy


The Silk RoadAncient trade route that linked China with Europe.Originally a caravan route and used from с 100 BC, the 4,000-mi (6,400-km) road started in Xi'an, China, followed the Great Wall to the northwest, climbed the Pamir Mtns., crossed Afghanistan, and went on to the eastern Mediterranean Sea, where goods were taken by boat to Rome. Silk was carried wesard, while wool, gold, and silver were carried easard. With the fall of Rome, the route became unsafe; it was revived under the Mongols, and Marco Polo used it in the 13th century....


Millie's mother bought her a white shirt ,a pink short skirt and a pair of white boots .The shirt is made of silk ,the skirt is made of cotton and the boots are made of leather .Millie likes them very much .She looks very beautiful and fashionable in them .


Weifang Shandong Weifang Kite traditional handicraft Han treasures, folk festivals and cultural practices. One non-material cultural heritage. Weifang, also known as Wei are, kite, kite making long history, technology skills. Kite and Weifang Kite Beijing, Tianjin style kites each other, separate categories. Weifang Kite with many Chinese folk art forms, as produced in people's recreational activities, is entrusted with the ideals and aspirations of the people, and people's lives are closely linked to entertainment products.

1. I am fond of wind , fortable warm south sea breeze , piercingly cold biting north cold air, all lets me be filled with a thousand regrets , acracholia is romantic! But, I am fond of rain more, south lightning flashes and thunder rumbles drifting heavy rain , north washed rice dripping autumn rain, making me sentimental lingering , is trials and hardship therefore my is famous beauty! I am fond of rain , delighted its water-like cleaning up is pure, say that the same floating is distant and indistinct, fog-like dim moonlight. I also like to be burning the fine rain dusk , one's own one people in floating, the rhythm being treading rain, walks on the neighbourhood; Be fond of rain very much dripping quietly in on one's body feeling, that is that very much, mild touching touches , the elephant has right away one both hands that me is breathed out on lightly starting protecting. Rain being fond of autumn, rain splashes down especially drop in the floor , expose that beautiful moment ... opening spray a sheet of ... But have the sentimental story as if song having rain, my sound being listening attentively to rain in this rain night, story having rain being experiencing everyone. The fresh neighbourhood is upper , the pedestrian is a meagre lot, very nothing but, very quiet US. Trees washes on main street by that the autumn wind wafting poses in reply autumn rain's , the leaf floats from branch distance of first pieces but air is hit by much somewhat peaceful , deep and quiet breath down. Autumn intention allocates heartstrings , autumn wind disturbs feeling , the autumn moon grows a temperament and interest , autumn rain notes is touching , autumn leaves floats sad US. Like it in the day raining , alone, sit before the window , meditate quietly, silently feel, ... Window outside patter of rain , the tear just like at heart drip , listening Di Di quietly to rise involuntarily at frustrated frustrated sound of raindrops's, heart is a thread of Mo name disconsolation. The tear sprinkling the centripetal sea, is long , lingering, join having no choice how much's disconsolation to be being mingled with , being disclosing several silk, rain is a grieved tear of cloud , that always, the heart weeps , drifts down in self's heart of hearts lonely , desolate during the period of cloud of sorrow covers densely is periods of time heart rain. What story disregarding, one rains on meeting to relieve self in unfettable. Rain has a kind of magical: It can able one kind of sentiment fill the air , soak ready-made one kind of atmosphere, engrave able one kind of memory. Certainly, can't can able one kind of disaster heavy sometimes. Why do separate with each other always separating with each other in the rainy day, being bound to be going in the rainy day? Rain , lower moment are clear and cool, rain, lower moment ash is cold, rain, lower moment is sorrowful. The when not to know starting from, I indulge in neork lining being reluctant to municate with person in self world. Be fond of having nothing to do quietly within noisy chat room, be fond of being strange first name all around, person does not care about my loneliness. I, also am only a absent-minded shadow but , linger around assuming a post of years in chat room knowing well that in this,in expression in one's eyes treating with indifference in me falling into enemy's hands. . . That I am fond of night , am fond of evening is get on the Inter writing state of mind , then lonely, belong to me pletely self. Be fond of the article reading deep love in the neork , be fond of writing a few sentimental characters , be fond of knowing one people in characters. The earthquake liking to listen attentively to after self heart , the soul being municated with each other crash is expert in. Think that my soul, and I are silently relative , I finally know, all having shaken off the custom world restrain , a portion does not seek fame and wealth why leisurely life fortable and at leisure do not make people envy mechanically. Not being custom world confusion , not arguing chasing wealth and position scholarly honour or official rank, giving the taste living many portion is elegant. That "unrestrained flying is lighter than a dream , boundless silk rain is thin if worrying about " the towline being otherworldly soft that is US, that enjoy life , make nature aloofness of the bosom friend is elegant. . . . Always believe the heart is peaceful within self the loving scope of operation building before long, not moving forward taking place neither , just will be very safe; Extravagant hopes touches a neork herefrom , again neither that splendid world, both can not whom to agitate and, can not suffer injury, the indifferent slight ...

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