big cut造句 big cutの例文 "big cut"是什麼意思


第1个回答  2022-11-08

Next time , i want a bigger cut of your mission , kenny
下次我要更大的分成, kenny

It simple can ' t stand such a big cut

It simply can ' t stand such a big cut

It simply can ' t stand such a big cut

She said the us had offered big cuts in import taxes and supports

It simply can ' t stand such a big cut

She said the united states had offered big cuts in import taxes and supports

Your counter - offer is far beyond my reach . we can ' t stand such a big cut

That won ' t do . you see , our margin of profit is very narrow . it simply can ' t stand such a big cut

S : that won ' t do . you see , our margin of profit is very narrow . it simply can ' t stand such a big cut

It's difficult to see big cut in a sentence. 用 big cut 造句挺难的

That won ' t do . you see , our profit margin is very narrow . it simply can ' t stand such a big cut

B : that won ' t do . you see , our profit margin is very narrow . it simply can ' t stand such a big cut

With global stockmarkets in freefall , the fed instead decided that a bigger cut was needed ? and sooner

The latest geneva talks got nowhere in large part because america refused to make bigger cuts in its farm subsidies ( see article )

" i was lucky that at the end that i could pull my leg away . but i still had a big cut in my leg - you could see from my sock .
“我很庆幸最后我躲开了,但我的腿上依旧被划了一条很长的口子?你看我的袜子就可以看出来。 ”

No one has yet offered anything new , but there are rumours that america will offer bigger cuts in subsidies in geneva next week

On tuesday , the u . s . federal reserve cut interest rates by three - quarters of a percentage point - its biggest cut in more than o decades

The european union must offer bigger cuts in farm tariffs ; america must promise to slash subsidies more ; and big emerging economies must reduce their industrial tariffs

Following the tax reform act of 1986 , the base of the corporate ine taxwas broadened but the top rate was slashed by 12 percentage points , from 46 % to34 % , the biggest cut since the tax was introduced in 1909
1986年税务体制改革法案扩大了公司税税基,同时把最高税率调低了12个百分点,从46降至34 ,这是1909年开征公司税后最大幅度的调整。

The shenzhen rainbow bridge is near to the northern railway station , which has big cut bag to span over enty - nine tracks . arch bridge structure , which has a widely apppcation these years , is taken considering of the bridge height pmitation and the site used in downtown . the girder of the bridge is constructed with posite structure of steel and folding concrete slab
深圳市彩虹大桥地处深圳火车北站,需跨越29股火车轨道,跨径大,又处于市中心,对桥梁的梁高有所限制,经研究分析,采用近年来广泛应用的钢管混凝土拱桥桥型,梁体采用钢- -混凝土叠合板组合梁组合结构。




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