

第1个回答  2017-08-26
I went back to my hometown for a year and wanted to visit the tomb of a historical figure. But it was only later that I found out that I was very angry that I didn't get in, because I really admired that historical figure. Because it is summer, the weather is hot, very convenient, I want to also don't want to, just to achieve a goal, and then over the wall, which particularly exciting, for the first time I so brave to pursue their favorite things, and over the wall itself is a very excited matter. What's more, what you like.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2017-06-14

One year back home to play, want to go to a historical figure of the tomb to see. But it was not until I found out that I was not going to let anyone in. I was very angry because I really adored that historical figure. Because it is summer, hot weather, wear very convenient, I would like to also do not want to, only for the purpose, and then went over the wall, which is especially exciting, because this is my first time so brave to pursue their own love of things, but the wall itself is a very excited. What's more, it's something you like.





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