
广告是面向全体消费者的,这就要求语言简练,简单,即在语言结构上要多用简单句,少用复杂句,让消费者看得懂,记得住。如:We’re not in the computer business. We’re in me results business.
在广告英语中祈使句和疑问句,其目的是敦促消费者积极作出反应,采取行动。如,Buy one pair.Get one free.又如,Catch that Pepsi spirit. Drink it in.
排比修辞手法运用于广告中,可以从文字上增强语势,从而加深消费者的印象。如,No problem too large. No business too small。
广告文字的拟人化,可以使所宣传的产品人格化,赋予产品以生命。如,Unlike me,my Rolex never needs a rest.这则广告道出了该表走时精确,劲力十足。
押韵可使广告富有节奏感,读起来朗朗上口,听起来赏心悦耳。如,Hi-fi,Hi-fun,Hi-fashion,only for Sony.(4)反复
反复是通过重复某一词或词组使人加深印象,给人强烈刺激,增强广告效果。如,Extra Taste.Not Extra Calories.它暗含了不会使人发胖的意思。
Featherwater:light as a feather
Ask for More
Where there is a way for car,there is a Toyota.
直译(LiteralTranslation)还是意译(FreeTranslation),一直是翻译界争论的焦点。在翻译过程中,能直译就直译,不能直译就意译,需要直意结合时,就在直译的基础上意译,或曰直意半。如,Chanllenge the limits.For next generation.从以上两个例子中可以看出,译者通过直译、意译的方法,把产品广告的意图淋漓尽致地表达了出来,达到了广告原创的目的。
增译,就是对原文进行意义的挖掘,将原文的深层意思加以发挥,使译文的意义明显超出原文。创译,就是在原文的基础上创造性地进行翻译。如,Elegance is an attitude.Connecting people.从上述例子可以看出,译者很恰当地表达了广告的目的。如果译者不用增译,创译的手法,而用直译的方法,把其译为“优雅是一种态度”和“练习大众”就会让广告大失其色,让消费者不知所云,更不可能激发消费者的购买欲望。

第1个回答  2008-05-04
2. Syntax characteristic of the English ads
Ad demands clear, concise language, attention, in addition to English ads as appropriate word, but also discretionary sentence. That is, in a sentence on its unique characteristics.
(1) the use of simple sentence
Ads are for all consumers, which requires language concise and simple, that is, in the structure of language to use simple sentence, less complex sentence, so that consumers can read and remember. Such as: We're not in the computer business. We're in me results business.
(2) the use of imperative sentences and Questions
In the ad in English and Questions imperative sentence, the purpose is to urge consumers to respond positively and take action. If, Buy one pair.Get one free. Also, Catch that Pepsi spirit. Drink it in.
3. Rhetoric characteristic of the English ads
Rhetoric is the language accurate and vivid use of a text practices, but also the expression of the text content of impressive and effective means. Rhetoric used well, can play a multiplier effect. To some extent, with rhetoric, you can increase your influence to move the purpose of consumers, advertising in English rhetoric in the application can be found everywhere.
(1) Parallelism
Parallelism rhetorical tactics used in advertising, we can enhance the language from the text on the potential, so as to enhance consumer impression. If, No problem too large. No business too small.
(2) to people
Ad text to the people, can personification of the advertised product, given products to life. If, Unlike me, my Rolex never needs a rest. This advertisement raises the table when taking accurate, full Jinli.
(3) rhyme
Ads can rhyme with rhythm, read Langlangshangkou, Shangxin beautiful sounds. If, Hi-fi, Hi-fun, Hi-fashion, only for Sony. (4) repeated
Is repeated by repeating a word or phrase people deepen the impression gives a strong boost and enhance advertising effectiveness. If, Extra Taste.Not Extra Calories. It will not make the implicit meaning of obesity.
(5) simile
Featherwater: light as a feather
(6) pun
Ask for More
(7) borrow proverb
Where there is a way for car, there is a Toyota.
Third, the English translation of ad strategy
In international merchandise trade developed today, advertising is also increasingly international. From one language to another language, advertising is the translation of the original to retain the essence of the consumers but also the psychological. And other translation difference is that the purpose of an advertisement in the translation of the phrase in the realization, which requires use of language, marketing and aesthetic aspects of the overall knowledge.
In the process of translation should be based on the characteristics of ads, choose the appropriate method of expression, so that I expressed in the original text all of the information on the basis of fully reflect the original style and form of expression, reproduce the original style.
1. Transliteration and translation
Literal Translation (LiteralTranslation) or paraphrase (FreeTranslation), is the translation industry has been the focus of controversy. In the translation process, the literal translation can be on the literal translation, not literal translation of the need to integrate straight Italy, on the basis of the literal translation, or semi-straight Italy. If, Chanllenge the limits.For next generation. From the above two examples can be seen, through the literal translator, translated means, the intention of advertising products brought out to express to the original purpose of advertising.
2. By a translation and translation
By translation, is to carry out the original meaning of the excavation, the deeper meaning of the original will be played, exceed the obvious: the meaning of the original text. A translation, the original is in a creative manner on the basis of the translation. If, Elegance is an attitude.Connecting people. Can be seen from the above example, the translator is very appropriate to express the purpose of the ads. If not by the translator, in the way of a translation, using the literal translation method, its translated as "elegance is an attitude" and "practicing the public" will allow advertisers the missing color, so that consumers Buzhisuoyun, Can not stimulate consumer interest.
4. Conclusion
Ads are a competitive business practices, the goal is for consumers, the consumer is therefore inevitable for the consumer centre, Get personal, and promote their purchase. This is the only purpose of advertising is the sole purpose of advertising translation. So the ads translation, we must understand the characteristics of their language, using appropriate translation strategies and skills, so that an appropriate expression of your translation.
第2个回答  2008-05-03
第3个回答  2008-05-03
2. Syntax characteristic of the English ads
Ad demands clear, concise language, attention, in addition to English ads as appropriate word, but also discretionary sentence. That is, in a sentence on its unique characteristics.
(1) the use of simple sentence
Ads are for all consumers, which requires language concise and simple, that is, in the structure of language to use simple sentence, less complex sentence, so that consumers can read and remember. Such as: We're not in the computer business. We're in me results business.
(2) the use of imperative sentences and Questions
In the ad in English and Questions imperative sentence, the purpose is to urge consumers to respond positively and take action. If, Buy one pair.Get one free. Also, Catch that Pepsi spirit. Drink it in.
3. Rhetoric characteristic of the English ads
Rhetoric is the language accurate and vivid use of a text practices, but also the expression of the text content of impressive and effective means. Rhetoric used well, can play a multiplier effect. To some extent, with rhetoric, you can increase your influence to move the purpose of consumers, advertising in English rhetoric in the application can be found everywhere.
(1) Parallelism
Parallelism rhetorical tactics used in advertising, we can enhance the language from the text on the potential, so as to enhance consumer impression. If, No problem too large. No business too small.
(2) to people
Ad text to the people, can personification of the advertised product, given products to life. If, Unlike me, my Rolex never needs a rest. This advertisement raises the table when taking accurate, full Jinli.
(3) rhyme
Ads can rhyme with rhythm, read Langlangshangkou, Shangxin beautiful sounds. If, Hi-fi, Hi-fun, Hi-fashion, only for Sony.
(4) repeated
Is repeated by repeating a word or phrase people deepen the impression gives a strong boost and enhance advertising effectiveness. If, Extra Taste.Not Extra Calories. It will not make the implicit meaning of obesity.
(5) simile
Featherwater: light as a feather
(6) pun
Ask for More
(7) borrow proverb
Where there is a way for car, there is a Toyota.
Third, the English translation of ad strategy
In international merchandise trade developed today, advertising is also increasingly international. From one language to another language, advertising is the translation of the original to retain the essence of the consumers but also the psychological. And other translation difference is that the purpose of an advertisement in the translation of the phrase in the realization, which requires use of language, marketing and aesthetic aspects of the overall knowledge.
In the process of translation should be based on the characteristics of ads, choose the appropriate method of expression, so that I expressed in the original text all of the information on the basis of fully reflect the original style and form of expression, reproduce the original style.
1. Transliteration and translation
LiteralTranslation or FreeTranslation, is the translation industry has been the focus of controversy. In the translation process, the literal translation can be on the literal translation, not literal translation of the need to integrate straight Italy, on the basis of the literal translation, or semi-straight Italy. If, Chanllenge the limits.For next generation. From the above two examples can be seen, through the literal translator, translated means, the intention of advertising products brought out to express to the original purpose of advertising.
2. By a translation and translation
By translation, is to carry out the original meaning of the excavation, the deeper meaning of the original will be played, exceed the obvious: the meaning of the original text. A translation, the original is in a creative manner on the basis of the translation. If, Elegance is an attitude.Connecting people. Can be seen from the above example, the translator is very appropriate to express the purpose of the ads. If not by the translator, in the way of a translation, using the literal translation method, its translated as "elegance is an attitude" and "practicing the public" will allow advertisers the missing color, so that consumers Buzhisuoyun, Can not stimulate consumer interest.
4. Conclusion
Ads are a competitive business practices, the goal is for consumers, the consumer is therefore inevitable for the consumer centre, Get personal, and promote their purchase. This is the only purpose of advertising is the sole purpose of advertising translation. So the ads translation, we must understand the characteristics of their language, using appropriate translation strategies and skills, so that an appropriate expression of your translation.本回答被提问者采纳



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