08 以下几道英语语法题目。。望大大指点以下。。不明白。。。意思

26. Staring atthe ruins of his house, he couldn’t ______ how the fire had broken out.
A. bring out B. turn out C. figure out D. pick out
我选的是a ,答案是c
27. I didn’t knowwhat to do, but then an idea ______ to me suddenly.
A. happened B. entered C. hit D. occurred
我选的是b ,答案是d
29. I continuedto study ______ the discouragement I had received.
A. despite of B. despite C. in spite D. in spite that
我选的是 d,答案是b
30. They said Ihad given ______ the whistle was worth.
A. twice as many as B. as twice many as C. as twice much as D. twice as much as
我选的是 d,答案是d
32. Many peoplein Africa seem to be ______ of the American way of life: driving everywhere.
A. envious B. hopeful C. pleased D. happy
我选的是 b,答案是a
33. Onerequirement for this job is that you must be ______ to work on weekends.
A. accessible B. available C. acceptable D. capable
我选的是 d,答案是b
08 以下几道英语语法题目。。望大大指点以下。。不明白。。。意思

第1个回答  2013-03-02
29 in spite of =despite 介词或介词短语后 加 名词 代词 动名词等 横线后是一个名词 而D项 是接从句的
注意the discouragement (that )I had received .省略定语从句中做宾语的关系代词that
我感觉你做题基本凭感觉 多看看书 上课多听听 这种题对你说都没问题 就是些固定搭配 经常考的题



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