

第1个回答  2023-01-19
【 #英语资源# 导语】书籍是人类进步的阶梯”“书是全世界的营养品”,读书可以让我们开阔视野,增长知识,我爱读书,我愿与书为伴!以下是 整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


  Books are an ocean full of knowledge and a colorful world full of fun. Reading has many advantages, such as: you can increase a lot of knowledge; It can make a composition more vivid and vivid; You can also increase your self-cultivation

  I am a little bookworm. I remember once when I came home from school, I threw down my schoolbag, picked up a book and read it with interest, forgetting all my homework. Mom asked, "didn't I come back today?" I said, "yes!" The mother asked, "then why don't you do it?" I said: "I came back to read, because this book is so good-looking that I was fascinated by it, so I forgot to do my homework!" Mother said, "ah, do it quickly, and you'll stay up late again later!" I just reluctantly put down the book.

  Sometimes, when I am reading, I forget to eat and do my homework. Sometimes, I read books when I eat and when I go to the bathroom. When I was reading a book called the classic story of cultivating children's love, I learned that being a man should have love; When I was reading a book called the classic story of cultivating children's courage, I learned to be brave; When I read the book of the forest newspaper, I loved nature even more.

  A good book is a delicious meal for you to taste carefully; A good book is not only your mentor, but also a tool to help you broaden your mind; A good book, or a time axis, brings you to a world full of happiness... Therefore, we should read more books, read good books and increase some knowledge.


  Book is a leaf boat, which can take me to roam in the ocean of knowledge. The book is a breeze that keeps us away from the heat of summer. Books are a ladder that enables people to move forward step by step. Therefore, I like reading, like reading, like the happiness that reading brings to me.

  When I was a child, I looked at the blue sky, sat in my mother's arms and listened to those familiar stories. Thinking and meditating slowly. Understand the character's personality and psychological activities. Gradually, I began to like books.

  In the first grade of primary school, slowly I began to learn to read. Mother's reading can no longer satisfy my interest. So I tried to read. Although some words are obviously not understood in our city. But I still slowly realized that gradually, I could really start reading. I found a few more books and tried to read them slowly. This time I read them word by word to see if I could find four word words for my accumulation in the future.

  Gradually, I began to understand the personality of the characters in the book, because before I read, it was like swallowing. When I was in fifth grade, I began to "read widely". Look at Lin Chong's integrity, Song Jiang's benevolence and righteousness, and Li Kui's rectum in the water margin. In the romance of the Three Kingdoms, Zhao Yun's Changbanpo saved ah Dou with great courage, while Guan Yunchang's going to the meeting alone is Zhuge Liang's intelligence. It moved me. In this way, day after day, year after year, I really like reading.

  Sasbia once said, "books are the nourishment of the world". Since reading, my mind is much more agile. Let's also study together and add spiritual food!


  Love is invisible, it needs to be felt with the heart; Love is eternal, it makes people unforgettable for life; Love is great, it gives people infinite power. The text of this unit takes us into the world of love.

  I like the text "forever singing". The classmate asked that in order to cure the teacher's disease, I was very moved to go to Dongshan, which was warned by adults, to collect medicine and catch fish for the teacher. I think the author must be full of gratitude to the teacher when describing this scene. In the text, there is a sentence "the teacher looked at the landlord, our dirty body, cried, and tears fell on our faces drop by drop". The word "hug" in this sentence shows the teacher's gratitude to the students.


  Reading is the best way to communicate with top people. The author narrates quietly and you listen quietly. He spoke in good order, and you listened with interest. You can't interrupt. You can only write it down and ponder it slowly when you encounter disagreements. Reading makes everyone a better listener. You may be distracted, but it doesn't hurt. If you don't understand, you can listen to it again.

  First of all, every writer is also a sharer. With so many generous sharers, the world has become wonderful.

  You may not have the chance to travel thousands of miles, but you have the chance to read thousands of books. Reading thousands of books is a journey of thousands of miles?

  We can listen to a person talk about his own life, his childhood, youth, middle age, old age, his life, can it inspire us? We can also listen to him tell other people's stories, twists and turns strange, sentimental, and endure humiliation with the protagonist. We can hear many knowledgeable people tell us what the world looks like, or this person may not be knowledgeable, but he is very familiar with the place he describes. We can understand the general appearance of the world by listening to a few more people. Of course, we will also listen to those experienced people talk about their industry experience and professional knowledge.

  Want to know about psychology? Let's listen to the master of psychology about what kind of discipline it is. To understand physics, many teachers are ready to serve you. If you want to know how to manage a company, there are more such sharers.

  Take your eyes, your ears and your brain, wander in the sea of books and wander. You can go wherever you want.

  The people who write books are sincere and sincere. They are the crystallization of wisdom and the talk of experience. If you listen, your world will become magnificent.

  Reading should be miscellaneous. The world is three-dimensional, and reading should also be three-dimensional. If you only study one thing all your life, that kind of life is too boring. In a utilitarian way, reading only is the same, but it doesn't help. The stone of the mountain can attack jade.

  There are some books in this world that can be labeled with the word "Jing". After thousands of years, thousands of talented people are reading them, shining in the refining of history. Through reading, we can communicate with the ancients across time and space, listen to their teachings, and accept their baptism and guidance.

  You love reading. Standing behind you is the world's top think tank. Great people will help you, wise people will help you, and experts will help you. You can draw on others for your use.

  You are the master of the world. If you want to understand this, you should listen to the teacher's introduction in this aspect. If you want to understand that, you should listen to the teacher's narration in that aspect. Reading the book alive is not "I note the six classics", but "the six classics note me". Everything is ready for me and is my treasure.


  Today's festivals are like bamboo shoots springing up one after another. Too much, I'm too lazy to remember and can't remember.

  Just after reading online, I know that April 23 is "world reading day" every year. It is also the anniversary of the death of Spanish writer Cervantes and British writer Shakespeare.

  In fact, for a person who loves reading, it doesn't matter whether there is "world reading day". Anyway, I always have to eat rice every day and read books every day... It feels like my soul is walking in the world of books. Sometimes, even a citizen's tabloid can drive away the temporary depression, and even occasionally read short articles that brighten one's eyes; Sometimes, a popular magazine can kill a lot of boring time. Although it is like fast food, it is difficult to remember its charm, I can't read it correctly when I have nothing to do next time.

  British scientist Bacon said: reading history makes people wise, reading poetry makes people smart, mathematics makes people thoughtful, science makes people profound, ethics makes people solemn, and logic and rhetoric makes people eloquent. His analysis is indeed incisive and thorough. However, I think if reading pays too much attention to its rationality, it will lose a lot of fun. Like me, I read miscellaneous books, intensive reading or rough reading, all according to my own preferences, leisurely like sightseeing, but gradually improved my appreciation ability.

  I have always believed that reading should refuse utilitarianism. When I'm alone at home, I also read some famous classics. Although I read it casually when I was young, it was mainly to cope with the correspondence examination at that time. When I couldn't read it, I also "hardened my scalp" to read it, so that I sometimes felt that reading was like taking injections and medicine after illness, but it was more painful. If someone tells you that no matter what famous works you read, it is a pleasant spiritual enjoyment, it is definitely self deception. Now I generally try to slow down my reading of famous works and think while reading. The harvest is much richer than before. Generally speaking, Chinese novels are more suitable for Chinese people's reading habits than foreign ones, because the plot is more compact. However, the exquisite and superb scene descri ption ability and insightful narrative skills of some foreign master writers have to impress you. For example, Maupassant, Shakespeare and Leo Tolstoy, their language skills are worth pondering and tasting. Slowly, the lanolin balls, hamlets and Anna Karenina will enter your heart and deeply touch and shock your soul.

  Like now, I like one more "World Book Day". But now the price of books is a little outrageous, and I buy less. More often, I choose to read on the "Internet", which is also a small compensation for myself.



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