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第1个回答  2013-07-03
{The lions tangle for a bit more. The fight becomes a
wrestling. The lioness flips Simba and pins him with a
loud thump. Simba is startled by this. The lioness is still
baring her teeth. Simba, however, is very surprised and
no longer threatening.}Simba: Nala?{She immediately backs off and looks at Simba, examining him.}Simba: Is it really you?Nala: Who are you?Simba: It's me. Simba.Nala: Simba? {Pause for realization} Whoah!{Simba and Nala run together and greet each other. The
greetings are enthused and run over each other.}Nala: Well how did you.. where did you come from... it's
great to see YOU...
Simba: Aaah! How did you... who... wow... this is cool... it's
great to see you...{Camera view of Timon who is completely baffled by this
sudden change}Timon: Hey, what's goin' on here?Simba: {Still to Nala} What are you doing here?Nala: What do you mean, "What am I doing here?" What are
you doing here?Timon: HEY! WHAT'S GOIN' ON HERE!?!?!Simba: Timon, this is Nala. She's my best friend.Timon: {Thoroughly confused} Friend?!?Simba: Yeah. Hey, Pumbaa, come over here.{Pumbaa gets himself unstuck.}Simba: Nala, this is Pumbaa. Pumbaa, Nala.Pumbaa: Pleased to make your acquaintance.Nala: The pleasure's all mine.Timon: How do you do.. Whoa! Whoa. Time out.. Lemme get
this straight. You know her. She knows you. But she
wants to eat him. And everybody's... okay with this?
DID I MISS SOMETHING?!?Simba: Relax, Timon.Nala: Wait till everybody finds out you've been here all
this time! And your mother... what will she think?Simba: {Misunderstanding} She doesn't have to know. Nobody has to know.Nala: Well, of course they do. Everyone thinks you're dead.Simba: They do?Nala: Yeah. Scar told us about the stampede.Simba: He did? Well... {beginning to see something} what else
did he tell you?Nala: What else matters? You're alive. and that means...
you're the king.Timon: King? Pbbb. Lady, have you got your lions crossed.Pumbaa: King? Your Majesty! I gravel at your feet. {Noisily
kisses Simba's paw}Simba: Stop it.Timon: {To Pumbaa} It's not "gravel." It's "grovel." And
DON'T-- he's not the king. {to Simba} Are ya?Simba: No.Nala: Simba?Simba: No, I'm not the king. Maybe I was gonna be, but...
that was a long time ago.Timon: Let me get this straight. You're the king? And you
never told us?Simba: Look, I'm still the same guy.Timon: {Enthusiastic} But with power!Nala: {Apologetic} Could you guys... excuse us for a few minutes?Timon: Hey, {taps Pumbaa} whatever she has to say, she can
say in front of us. Right, Simba?Simba: Hmm. Maybe you'd better go.Timon: {Aghast, then resigned} It starts. You think you know a guy...{Pumbaa and Timon pad off. Pumbaa sighs.}Simba: Timon and Pumbaa. You learn to love 'em.{Nala has her head bowed down sadly.}Simba: What? ...What is it?Nala: {Quietly} It's like you're back from the dead. You
don't know how much this will mean to everyone. {Pained
expression} ...What it means to me.Simba: Hey, it's okay.Nala: {Rubbing under Simba's chin, purring} I've really
missed you.Simba: {Startled by Nala's boldness for an instant, then
reciprocating} I've missed you too.["Can You Feel the Love Tonight" Scene]{They are rubbing heads. We hear Timon sigh; camera
switch to show them watching from the bushes.}Timon: {Heavy sigh} I tell you, Pumbaa, this stinks.Pumbaa: Oh. Sorry.Timon: Not you. Them! Him. Her. Alone.Pumbaa: What's wrong with that?{Singing}{Parenthetical part is spoken by Pumbaa.}Timon:
I can see what's happening
And they don't have a clue
They'll fall in love and here's the bottom line
Our trio's down to two.
(Oh.){In a sarcastic mock-French accent} Ze sweet caress of twilight{Back to normal, but still sarcastic} There's magic everywhere
And with all this romantic atmosphere
Disaster's in the air{The scene passes from Timon and Pumbaa to Simba and Nala
in front of a waterfall.}FS:
Can you feel the love tonight?
The peace the evening brings
The world, for once, in perfect harmony
With all its living things{After walking around each other, taking in each other's movements,
they stop to drink at the water.}Simba:
So many things to tell her
But how to make her see
The truth about my past? Impossible!
She'd turn away from meNala:
He's holding back, he's hiding
But what, I can't decide
Why won't he be the king I know he is
The king I see inside?{During the Chorus the following occurs: Simba looks at
Nala, smiles, and runs off stage. He runs back on stage,
grabs a vine in his mouth and splashes into the middle of
the pond. Nala looks out over the still water. Suddenly
Simba lunges up under her and pulls her in the pond
playfully. She immediately comes out dripping and miffed.
When Simba comes out, she pushes him back in. The scene
switches to them tussling. They end up play fighting.
After tumbling down a hillside, Simba ends up pinning
Nala for a first. She gives him a tiny lick, resembling a
kiss. Simba looks startled and stares at Nala. Close-up
of Nala, as she stares back with a seductive smile. Close-up
of Simba, whose expression changes from a surprised one to
a comprehending one.. The two rub heads (a cat-style kiss)
as the last lyrics are sung.}Chorus:
Can you feel the love tonight?
The peace the evening brings
The world, for once, in perfect harmony
With all its living things Can you feel the love tonight?
You needn't look too far
Stealing through the night's uncertainties
Love is where they are{Camera switches back to a tearful Timon and Pumbaa.}Timon:
And if he falls in love tonight {Pumbaa sniffs}
It can be assumed{Timon hugs Pumbaa, tearfully.}Pumbaa:
His carefree days with us are historyTimon and Pumbaa:
In short, our pal is doomed{They let loose crying full force.}[Hammock Scene]Simba: Isn't this a great place?Nala: It is beautiful. But I don't understand something.
You've been alive all this time. Why didn't you come
back to Pride Rock?Simba: {Climbing into a "hammock" of hanging vines} Well,
I just needed to... get out on my own. Live my own
life. And I did. And it's great. {He sounds almost as
if trying to convince himself as Nala.}Nala: {Voice catching, as though barely under control} We've
really needed you at home.Simba: {Quieter} No one needs me.Nala: Yes, we do! You're the king.Simba: Nala, we've been through this. I'm not the king.
Scar is.Nala: Simba, he let the hyenas take over the Pride Lands.Simba: What?Nala: Everything's destroyed. There's no food. No water.
Simba, if you don't do something soon, everyone will
starve.Simba: I can't go back.Nala: {Louder} Why?Simba: You wouldn't understand.Nala: What wouldn't I understand?Simba: {Hastily} No, no, no. It doesn't matter. Hakuna Matata.Nala: {Confused} What?Simba: Hakuna Matata. It's something I learned out here.
Look, sometimes bad things happen...Nala: Simba!Simba: (Continuing, irritated) ...And there's nothing you can do
about it. So why worry?{Simba starts away from Nala, walking on a fallen tree. Nala
trots back up to him.}Nala: Because it's your responsibility!Simba: Well, what about you? YOU left.Nala: I left to find help! And I found YOU. Don't you
understand? You're our only hope.Simba: Sorry.Nala: What's happened to you? You're not the Simba I
remember.Simba: You're right. I'm not. Now are you satisfied?Nala: No, just disappointed.Simba: You know, you're starting to sound like my father.
{Walking away again}Nala: Good. At least one of us does.{Simba is obviously cut by the comment about his father;
he tears into Nala with his words.}Simba: {Angry} Listen, you think you can just show up and
tell me how to live my life? You don't even know what
I've been through!Nala: I would if you would just tell me!Simba: Forget it!Nala: Fine!{Simba walks off. Camera switch to Simba pacing in a field.}Simba: She's wrong. I can't go back. What would it prove,
anyway? It won't change anything. You can't change the
past.{He looks up at the stars.} You said you'd always be there for me! But you're not.
And it's because of me. It's my fault. It's my fault.{He bows his head, choking back tears. The camera backs to
a far view and then zooms over to Rafiki in a nearby tree.
We hear his chant. Just for fun, I've included its translation.} Rafiki's Chant: Translation: Asante sana! [Thank you very much!]
Squash banana! [Squash banana!]
We we nugu! [You're a BABOON,]
Mi mi apana! [And I'm not!]本回答被网友采纳



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