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第1个回答  2008-06-07
deng and her songs is used to be famous of the Asian area,and enjoy a high fame in the chinese community.She was a great singer from the 60's to 80's in the china pop music scope.Regardless of china taiwan hongkang or china,even in Japan,the develop of pop music nowadays can't avoid her contribution.Deng left a great cultural heritage to the Chinese people's world.In her beautiful and warm and fragrant songs,there's implicit and classically elegant which deeply in the heart of our Chinese people,shou the old culture of this old orient country.
Her songs always had the principle of chinese esthetics,no matter what her beautiful song ,miserable songs or the songs full of passion,all can receive a globe influence and resonance.As a pop singer,deng's singing stylecan show the culture of china.this passenge try to research deng's phenomenon of her songs,study her career life objective.Analyze her song's style completely.Take the use of history,spread,society of music and culture geography to analyze and research.try to make the right comments on deng's important affect in the history of pop music.希望有用。。。
第2个回答  2008-06-10
deng and her songs is used to be famous of the Asian area,and enjoy a high fame in the chinese community.She was a great singer from the 60's to 80's in the china pop music scope.Regardless of china taiwan hongkang or china,even in Japan,the develop of pop music nowadays can't avoid her contribution.Deng left a great cultural heritage to the Chinese people's world.In her beautiful and warm and fragrant songs,there's implicit and classically elegant which deeply in the heart of our Chinese people,shou the old culture of this old orient country.
Her songs always had the principle of chinese esthetics,no matter what her beautiful song ,miserable songs or the songs full of passion,all can receive a globe influence and resonance.As a pop singer,deng's singing stylecan show the culture of china.this passenge try to research deng's phenomenon of her songs,study her career life objective.Analyze her song's style completely.Take the use of history,spread,society of music and culture geography to analyze and research.try to make the right comments on deng's important affect in the history of pop music.本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2008-06-06
第4个回答  2008-06-06
第5个回答  2008-06-06



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