

第1个回答  2008-06-08





洗餐具节水 家里洗餐具,最好先用纸把餐具上的油污擦去,再用热水洗一遍,最后才用较多的温水或冷水冲洗干净。

Water bath
Washing shower head used: (1) Institute of conditioning hot and cold water ratio. (2) not to water throughout the nozzle to open and should not be open. (3), as far as possible from head to toe Linshi the first, on the whole body soap Cuoxi Tu, the last time clean. Do not separate Shampoo, washing upper body, lower body and feet washing. (4) dedicated to taking a bath, time and should not slow life, or little side-washing. Let alone in the bathroom, and good friends play Shuizhang. Remember: Time is the water! (5) Do not use the opportunity to take a bath "in passing" washing clothes, shoes. Zaopen in a bath, we should pay attention: Do not over water, 1/3- ¼ pots used enough.

Water-saving toilets
(1) If you think too much toilet water tanks, water tanks, Shu Fang in a brick or a large Coke filled with water bottles, to reduce the salt water every time. It should be noted, bricks or bottles of Coke-in components do not impede the movement of water tanks. (2) Water leakage is always the most lax water rubber seal, more than irrigation, water for the future from the overflow hole outflow; outlet rubber seal, to strictly follow the non-stop flow of water, into the water pipes kept Influent. (3) a collection of domestic waste-water Chongce Suo, a water use and conservation of water. (4) refuse regardless of size, weight, the channel should be cleared from the garbage, not to salt water from the toilet.

Tips to resolve the toilet leaks
Past my home, the toilet is often a bucket of water leakage. I think a simple and easy to approach, used almost a year has been basically solved the leakage problem. The main reason is leaking water tanks connected Piwan hands with the copper often get stuck, do not go out to Piwan, Pi Wan Xia Buqu on leakage also can not completely blocked, resulting in leakage. Cuocheng plastic can be used with plastic string, the plastic rope through Piwan the Tiehuang, even in the two pairs from the rocker arm on the handle can be. Plastic rope is strong and not afraid of blisters, six months for first. The leaking tank users may wish to try.

Washing machines how to save water
Laundry washing machines, both saving and convenient, but there are also inadequate, is hand-washing with water more than three-fifths. How to save water as much as possible? » You may wish to adhere to the more than three washing machines used clothing, small adherence to the 12 hand-washing, particularly to adhere to the bubble after the first rejection net rinse, rinse twice this will clean clothing. As a result, one of more than three to conserve water.

A water use
(1) wash your face with water after foot and then Chong Cesuo. (2) should prepare a home in the collection of waste water vat, it can fully guarantee Chong Cesuo need of water. (3) Taomi Shui, Zhu Guo pasta water used to wash Wankuai to oil and water. (4) Jiaohua water fish, flowers and trees to promote growth.

Water-saving washing dishes at home washing dishes, utensils to the best first paper on the oil-wipe, and then heat washed again, the last to use more clean warm water or cold water.



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