

第1个回答  2013-06-23
Ideal Home

"China's automotive community development in the fast-forward, but if the facilities and did not increase as public awareness, then it will be an incredible thing," Shanghai GM, a foreign manager says. - Inscription
With the ever-changing world, as the economy advances, along with the accelerated pace of life, living in the tide of the times we had to speed up their pace, so that they can adapt to this society, to a place in society. People keep trying, at all costs in a busy in the Jingan not let time slip away easily. Since then, some people gradually lose their proper moral and conscience, do not know the "red light stop green line", do not know "overloaded speeding perilous," do not know "comity ceremony makes car unharmed," I do not know, "had an accident rate alarm See life-saving truth "... so a beautiful blossoming flowers of life bloom on the withered yet, so a complete one happy family would not enjoy the Tianlun broken. Ideal homes no longer exist!
According to relevant statistics in recent years, the number of people in China die each year from traffic accidents increased sharply in 2005 alone, 99,217 traffic deaths, including as "speeding" and the death toll reached 18,410, the total number of 18.6 % ... ... the face of a string of shocking figures, we can not help but deep in thought. Think about what causes accidents happen again and again? Why should it take away our dear people? Why does this all mean? Busy people, ah, please stop your feet Think about it! Think about an appalling accident rate picture, think about a painful struggle of a face, think about a sentence of tear-jerking words. People ah, to economic development, we must take the cost of life it? For economic development, we have reason devoid of their own conscience over the ethical bottom line was it? Should we not do self-reflection?
Indeed China's legal system is lagging behind traffic, law enforcement more difficult, the existing law is inadequate. Transportation infrastructure also needs to be strengthened. Traffic participants awareness of road safety and a sense of law, some of the owners, transport management emphasis on economic benefits of the concept of safe driving light more serious, the main focus for the collection contract costs, ignoring the traffic safety education. Motor vehicle driver, driven by economic interests Dora Run, overloaded speeding struggle Road grab the line, fatigue driving, "disease" of repeated illegal behavior such as driving cars ... People's awareness of road safety to be further strengthened. Fortunately, in order to avoid traffic accidents occurred frequently, national authorities have introduced various policy measures, traffic laws and regulations to improve the building. And set off in the whole society to improve the legal concept of national traffic safety awareness and traffic safety for the purpose of publicity and education. Bloody reality tells us to do "safe travel" requires our concerted efforts and collaboration. We are confident that good. Because we want to prevent accidents on our injuries, we do not want to look at the picture to that heartbreaking grief.
An ideal home is the need to work together to create each of us, and we should not seek life at the expense of economic development. Everyone should increase their awareness of road safety, and find that the loss of morality and conscience. As young people we must deeply understand the accident has brought us harm, we should pay more attention to these phenomena, more attention to those who hurt people, to those people in the shadow of the accident sent our love and Caring for them to rebuild a good home. I believe we will save them from hell out of people, from the evil hands of the angel grabbed the baton of life. As long as we gave love, we are all angels.
Everyone has an ideal home, in our insistence, may soon be realized. A well-ordered home, where people face filled with a happy smile, exudes as angelic light. I see we are holding hands to walk proudly on the road, how the sun shines on the body warm.

You take one, I take one, traffic safety should bear in mind ... "This is what I often sing the song" Traffic Safety "clapping song". "This summer, I was lucky to participate by the Meizhou City Board of Education and City Traffic Police Brigade jointly organized by the students' hands big Hand "traffic safety summer camp, a three-day experience, so I learned a lot traffic safety knowledge, deeply felt the importance of traffic safety, I want to see, hear , what they have learned back to the community, schools, small to be a traffic safety advocates.
First, we came to visit and study Huizhou Municipal traffic police detachment, viewing live traffic police enforcement uncle, uncle and aunt in the traffic police under the leadership of our standing in the road intersection to observe traffic lights, big city and our county is not the same mountain, the crowd on the road surging, more like a colony, like all kinds of vehicles, uniformed traffic police uncle, aunt standing in traffic post, blowing whistles and hand gestures with traffic signals, Hey! True spirit, then one on the gestures can make a number of pedestrians and vehicles safe passage in an orderly manner; if someone or vehicle traffic violations, traffic police comrades will be promptly corrected and addressed. In this hot weather, they still stick to their posts, but admire their dedication, we learn a good example. Next, we went to the traffic police detachment, entered the hall, greeted by rows of television monitors, each have control of every intersection, a traffic accident if there can be the first time to see the whole process , and quickly rushed to the scene to process, monitor TV can be readily available to each intersection traffic conditions, the development of modern science and technology is really stunning. Left Huizhou, Dongguan City, we went to the traffic police detachment, we visited the laser guns, alcohol testers, test overloading and other equipment; red light in the room, we see many cases of traffic accidents pictures that are the modern technology of electronic "police" the credit, it can automatically process taking accident, or some illegal photo of the situation, to facilitate future processing.
Study tour by a few days, I learned a lot of knowledge to enhance my awareness of traffic safety, development of modern technology so that my children from the small mountain town an eye-opener. In recent years, as China's rapid economic development and people's living standards, a variety of motor vehicles increasing, daily life has become an important means of transport, it brought us a lot of convenient transportation, but also to people with to the pain. According to statistics, every year about 124 million deaths worldwide, 15 million injuries, traffic accidents killed more than the cumulative death toll of two world wars and, really, "a car accident than a tiger!" A few days ago, I saw a report: Beijing-Zhuhai highway within Guangdong hit a bus stop occurred in a large truck repair serious traffic accident, resulting in 17 bus passengers who died, 33 passengers were injured, the large truck accident repair because the police did not put up cards caused the tragedy. In large cities, most people a stronger sense of traffic, but in remote small towns, there are still many people not realize the importance of traffic safety, such as children playing in the street; minors riding motorcycle in the chase; older people does not go over the road crossing, etc.; television, newspapers, many accidents occur in life, gave me a wake-up call, so I grew to know how to pay attention to traffic safety, his own life.
Human life only once, I appeal to the people of the whole society to abide by traffic rules, to be compliance, the good citizens of civilized humility. I live in a district where the publication of "Traffic safety knowledge" of the billboards, so that we enhance the awareness of road safety, to develop good traffic habits. Back to school, I do want to help counselors Young Pioneers "Traffic safety knowledge" tabloid, was held to launch the class "Traffic safety knowledge" theme class teams will teach you to sing "traffic safety" clapping song "," "Song of traffic lights", etc. .
As long as everyone obey the traffic rules, the world will be better to create a "safe, civilized, smooth, harmonious" society.



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