
1. 某公司以CPT条件出口一批冬装,公司按期将货物交给指定承运人,但运输途中由于天气原因延迟一个月,错过了销售季节,买方由此向该公司提出索赔。问此项损失应由谁承担?为什么?

2. 我方按CIP条件进口10吨化肥,先经海上运输,抵达目的港后转为铁路运输,我方受领货物后,卖方要求我方支付货款和铁路运费,请问卖方行为是否合理?为什么?

3. A Chinese trading company E concluded a transaction in steel with a Hong Kong company W on the basis of FOB China port. Company W required the price terms to be FOB China port and the goods to be directly delivered to Liberia. The L/C Form W required the price terms to be FOB China port and the goods to be directly delivered to Liberia. The L/C also required “freight prepaid “to be indicated on bill of lading. Why did company W perform so? What should we do about it?

4. Mr. Smith, an American businessman, sold a batch of IBM computers to a Hong Kong importer, Mr. Chen. The sales contract was concluded in the United States of America on the terms of CIF Hong Kong. During execution of this contract, disputes arose between the seller and the buyer on the form and interpretation of the contract in such a case, did the law of the U.S.A or the law of Hong Kong apply to the disputes? Why?

第1个回答  推荐于2016-08-17
第2个回答  2008-06-16
我刚做的cpt车利雅宾斯克,在跟客户订合同的时候就把客户规定的天数给修改了,因为货物只要离站就是货主、货代都不能控制的,特别到了境外,出现问题也是干着急,也只能联系国外货代去处理,铁路上面的天数是不能固定的,合同上面千万不要和他订死了,否则倒霉也是自己担着。在国内曾经有家公司的10个满洲里车皮,到了9个,有一个车皮站上不知道给扔到哪里去了?这些都是实情,铁路上面反正不会给你担这个责任,要么你就去和铁路打官司去。 这种事就看你客户了,如果想保住客户,就和他折中处理,搞好关系,如果翻脸,让他告去吧。。。



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