

第1个回答  2013-08-07
1, Valentine's Day is named for Saint Valentine, an early Christian churchman who reportedly helped young lovers. 2. Valentine was executed for his Christian beliefs on fedbruary 14 more than 1700 years ago, but the day that has his name is even earlier that.
3.More than 2000 years ago, the ancient Romans celebrated a holiday for lovers 4 Today the tradition of honoring St. Valentine continues. 5 The themes of love and fertility taken from the ancient meanings of the holiday have endured and evolved through time.

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第2个回答  2013-08-07
The story about Valentine‘s Day
There is a touching story about Valentine‘s Day from Europe. However, it is in honor of the great brother Valentine.
Long long ago, the tyrant Claudius was in chare of Roman. His tyranny made all the people angry and indignant. Not only lost people their home, but also wars were broken everywhere. What a worse, all the men must join in the army so that increase power. When the news was spread, every couple was forced to separate. Even if lovers must damage the marriage contract. This was more than people could bear. However, tyranny could not stop loving and love moved Valentine. In order to finished lovers’ dream, he helped them to hold weddings. Unluckily, Claudius heard it and he decided to sentence Valentine to dead on Feb.14th.



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