
由于父亲去世的早,所以这十年来我都和母亲两个人相依为命,鉴于我的家庭情况,我从小就比较独立,能够更好,也更坦然地面对生活中的种种.我有比较强的适应能力,能吃苦.大学四年的学费都是通过自己打工赚来的.因为在过去那么多年里妈妈已经对我付出了很多很多,她真的很辛苦.我自己能负担多少我就做多少.现在快要毕业了,我觉得我已经有能力维持自己的生活,不希望再让母亲操劳. 我也有责任肩负起家中的一切,我现在唯一的心愿就是能够通过我的努力为妈妈和这个家创造幸福.我已经索取了很多了,是时候回报我的家人和一切关心和帮助过我的好心人.好好工作,让妈妈安心我想也许也是对她的一种报答.我会努力的,因为我的工作不光是为企业这个大家创造财富,也是为我的小家创造幸福.
我需要的是准确的翻译 谢谢!网上搜索的没有帮助,希望好心发朋友帮个忙.在线等.翻的准确的可以追加分.

第1个回答  2008-05-15
My father passed away early, so my mother and I have been living together for the past decade. That is why I was relatively more independent from an early age, facing the various challenges in life with a better and unperturbed attitude. I have a stronger adaptability to hardship; the expenses of my four years in college were paid by me with wages that I had earned from working. I tried to be responsible for myself as much as possible because my mom had already done so much for me in the past years; it was really difficult for her indeed.

现在快要毕业了,我觉得我已经有能力维持自己的生活,不希望再让母亲操劳. 我也有责任肩负起家中的一切,我现在唯一的心愿就是能够通过我的努力为妈妈和这个家创造幸福.我已经索取了很多了,是时候回报我的家人和一切关心和帮助过我的好心人.好好工作,让妈妈安心我想也许也是对她的一种报答.我会努力的,因为我的工作不光是为企业这个大家创造财富,也是为我的小家创造幸福.
Now that I am about to graduate, I don’t wish my mom to slog anymore for I feel that I can support my own living and I also have the responsibility to support my family as well. Presently, my only aspiration is to create happiness for my mom and this home through my personal effort. I have been asking for a lot, now is the time for me to redound upon my family and those kind people who had rendered their care and assistance to me. Maybe one way to repay my mom and let her feel reassured is to work conscientiously. I shall strive hard because my job is not only to create wealth for the company but for my family as well.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2008-05-29
另外gavin69yu我觉得你的“ I was quite since childhood independent, could be better, also confidently facing life in all sorts.”就挺有问题的。

My father passed away since I was very young. For this reason, my mother and I share our lifes together for the past ten years.
That's why I am more independence than others of my age. I am more calm while facing kinds of difficulties in life.
我有比较强的适应能力,能吃苦.It's easy for me to get with things happened, and I can get over rough times I have.
I earned my schooling for 4 years of my university by part time jobs. I felt proud to take my own responsibility on this because my mother has already sacrificed herself a lot.(她真的很辛苦我没翻译。跟上一句一样的意思)
现在快要毕业了,我觉得我已经有能力维持自己的生活,不希望再让母亲操劳. 我也有责任肩负起家中的一切,
Now that I am about to graduate, I wish not to let my mother working that hard as I feel that I can manage my own life, and also to take the burden of our home.
My only wish is to struggle for my mother's happiness throught my work so as to creat a happy life with her.
I have gained a lot and it's time for me to return my family and the ones who were caring us. As my mother would be glad to see me working as hard as I can, I will try my best, not only to create fortune for the company but also to bring happiness for my home.
第3个回答  2008-05-16
哎,上面还有人好意思说别人翻的不好,看看自己翻的货色:“I and my mother depended on each other for survive”,什么东西,难道你不知道I要放在and的后面?

As my father died early, these ten years, I was bound by a common destiny with my mother, in view of the fact that my home background, I was quite since childhood independent, could be better, also confidently facing life in all sorts. I can bear hardships better than others ,too, one example is the 4-years tution of my college study is paid all by myself through part-time job. Because I think mother had offered so much to me ,it's really ver hard for her I think., so I had tried my best to give her a rest. Now I’m going to graduate and think I can depend on myself and I have the responsibility to share the burden of our life. I also have responsibility to start to carry everything of in home, I now the only wish's being effort that can pass me is a mother and this creates happiness.I have already obtained a lot of, the that time waits to requite my family and the whole concerns and once helps my good heart a person.Good work, let the mother have peace of mind me to think to perhaps also be to recompense her 1 kind.I would be diligent of, because my work isn't only for the business enterprise this everyone to create wealth and is my small creation in the house be happy.
第4个回答  2008-05-14
Since his father died early, so I have these 10 years and mother of two who Xiangyiweiming, in the light of my family, I can be relatively independent from a young age, to better and more坦然地面对life of the various. I have a strong adaptation The ability to endure hardship.'s Four-year university tuition fees are earned through their own work, because in the past so many years, my mother had paid a lot, she is really very hard. I myself how much I can afford to do on how many. Now about to graduate, I feel that I have been able to maintain their own lives and do not want to let her mother Caolao. I have started in shouldering the responsibility of all, I only wish now is that my mother and the efforts to create this family Well-being. Request I have a lot, is the time to return to my family and all that I care about and help the Haoxin Ren. Good work so that mothers peace of mind I think perhaps she is also a return. I will, because I Not only is the work of all enterprises that create wealth, but also for my small creating a happy home
だれXiangyiweimingが、私の家族の観点から、私若い年齢から比较的独立するか彼の父が早く死んで、従って私に10人の年间そして母このの2あるからよくするためおよびさまざまののmore坦然地面对life。 私は强い适応を困难に耐える机能有する。「従って多くの年以前、私の母がたくさん支払ったので、4年大学授业料が自身の仕事を通して得られるs、彼女が実际に非常に坚い。 何かで私がいいかどの位できても私自分自身するために。 今度は约卒业するために、私は私が自身の生命を维持でき、彼女の母Caolaoを许可したいと思わないことに感じる。 私はすべての责任を背负うことで始まったこの家族の福利を作成する、私は今であることだけ私の母および努力望む。 要求Iはたくさん持ち、私の家族に戻る私が约気遣い、Haoxin Renを助けるすべてそして时期であり。 母心の安らぎが私多分彼女を考えるようによい仕事はまたリターンである。 私はIがしか富を作成する、また私の小さいのためにすべての企业の仕事であるので幸せな家を作成する
第5个回答  2008-05-19
Because the father died morning, therefore these for ten years I all am bound by a common destiny with the mother two people, in view of the fact that my home background, I quite am since childhood independent, can be better, also confidently facing life in all sorts. I have the quite strong adaptiveness, can endure hardship. The university four years school expense all is works through oneself gains. Because mother's has already paid in past that many year to me very many very many, she really very laborious. I can bear how many me to make how many. Now soon has graduated, I thought I already had ability to maintain own livelihood, did not hope again let the mother work hard. 我也有责任肩负起家中的一切,我现在唯一的心愿就是能够通过我的努力为妈妈和这个家创造幸福.我已经索取了很多了,是时候回报我的家人和一切关心和帮助过我的好心人.好好工作,让妈妈安心我想也许也是对她的一种报答.我会努力的,因为我的工作不光是为企业这个大家创造财富,也是为我的小家创造幸福.



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