

第1个回答  2013-04-06
When i was a freshman, i participated in the party of our school radio station's fifth anniversary and held a performance at it.(不知道你说的参演是什么意思 这个是演话剧的意思 如果你只是参与了一个节目 那就跟开头重复了 不用翻译)
I helped seniors to hold a university-level host tryout successfully as a sophomore.
In addition, I once got a chance to take part in a show about the prevention of H1N1 influenza in our city's radio station with seniors and also looked around it.
(关于师兄师姐实在是很难翻译 因为这个是中国特有的 具体你可以看这个xxx.ebigear.xxx/news-47-30855.html(把xxx换成www和com即可))本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-04-06
when i was a freshman , being an actor, i have taken part in the fifth anniversay of our school radio station. In my sophomore year , i have helped senior students to organize the school-wide host tryouts. I once have chance to go to the municipal radio station to record a program about preventing swine flu and also visited the radio station.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2013-04-06
Big time, participates in the school radio station was founded five anniversary party and in. Two, help the host selection contest held shixiongshijie. Once I have the chance to elder sister and went to the municipal radio about swine flu prevention program, and visited the radio.
第4个回答  2013-04-06
In my freshman year, once participated in the school radio station and in the fifth anniversary of the party. Sophomore, elder sister to help host host field trials. Once have the chance to work and the teacher elder sister to the municipal radio stations recorded show about a/h1n1 flu prevention, and visited the radio station.
第5个回答  2013-04-06
When i was a freshman, i took part in the party of our school radio station's fifth anniversary and participated in it.
I helped seniors to hold a university-level host tryout successfully as a sophomore.
In addition,
Once I got a chance to take part in a show which recorded the prevention of H1N1 influenza in our city's radio station with our sisters and after that we were on a visit to it.



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