T-Splines for rhino 如何进行破解?

我看很多人都在使用T-Splines 1.2 for rhino 我也试着装过 最后总是挑出来要输入序列号的框 我也升级到sp2 过 也没有用 装c盘也没用
到底应该如何进行破解呢 ? 1.1的也可以
不好意思 再提问一下: 首先感谢"黑白se__"的及时回答, 但是你给的序列号 我输入后 显示序列号无效 无法注册
这个是T-Splines什么版本的序列号? 难道是我操作有误?
我装好了T-Splines 然后直接打开rhino 输入序列号...(失败) 我破解后 在输入....(失败)
我分别装了1.1 和 1.2版本的 但是输入后都失败
真是不幸阿 jierweb 兄的方法也不行 还是会跳出输入序列号的对话框 还有没有其他方法

第1个回答  2008-05-09
T-Splines 1.2 for Rhino boasts several improvements: additions to the toolbar, polish items, bugfixes, and new tutorials.

Paid users have received a direct download link and this release is now the current version at our web store for free trials and purchases.

New Toolbar items:
The Rhino MeshBox command, a common starting point for T-Splines geometry, is now included in the T-Splines toolbar.
T-Splines now loads the full T-Splines toolbar when the plugin is installed. Previously just the container was loaded, which was confusing for some new users. The container is still accessible in the toolbar options.
Two commonly-used scripts from the jb Toolbars (Extrude Cage From Existing Curves and Flatten Control Points) were implemented and included in the T-Splines toolbar as tsScriptExtrudeControlPolygon and tsScriptFlattenPoints. Thanks, Jonah Barnett!
New command tsConvertToRhinosurf. This replaces Explode and DivideAlongCreases as the recommended way to convert to NURBS. It boasts two major improvements: first, it works on a single T-Splines surfaces (without T-Points or star points), and second, it strips away all T-Splines information from the surface, which fixes a number of reported bugs.

tsManip now uses the Rhino selection pop up box for selecting objects.
TsManip observes Osnap options.
tsExtrude user interface is much cleaner--now, selected faces for extrusion are shaded in a solid color, and can be deselected by CTRL+clicking on the face.
The T-Splines surface now updates in real time when dragging control points in Shaded Viewport.
Several command line prompts were modified for clarity.
tsCrease selection interface is cleaner.
Activating licenses using tsActivateLicense is now more user friendly. A crasher associated with installing full licenses on top of beta licenses has been fixed, and the command line messages are more clear.
Error messages have been rewritten for clarity.
Isocurve display can now be turned off and on for each T-Spline, like with native Rhino objects.
Installer now remembers previous installation directory.

Bug fixes:
Infinite loop associated with the tsSkin chord length option has been fixed.
tsMerge crasher fixed.
tsSplitCurves no longer goes into an infinite loop when tolerance = 0.
tsSkin: creasing option crash has been fixed.
tsControlPolygonToSrf infinite loop has been fixed.
T-Splines no longer claims the F3 key.
T-Splines used to not interact reliably with Rhino's Flow command. This has now been fixed and there is no longer a problem.
tsControlPolygonToSrf and tsSkin used to not quit when another command was entered. This is now fixed.
T-Splines licensing experienced some crashing on XP 64 bit machines which is now fixed.
tsSkin: ESC can now be used to cancel out of the command.

To install T Splines for Rhinoceros v4.0 SR2.

Execute TSplinesRhino_20080221.exe

Browse for root folder C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros 4.0
follow installation.

Replace TSplines.RHP in C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros 4.0\T-Splines for Rhino with one from crack folder.

Then move TSplineImport.RHP from C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros 4.0\T-Splines for Rhino\
to C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros 4.0\Plug-ins
第2个回答  2008-05-15
T-Splines for rhino 的序列:
T-Splines for rhino 注册码:
第3个回答  2008-05-09
第4个回答  2018-10-06



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