
A young American doctor was sleeping when suddenly his door bell began to ring. It was already midnight, but what could the doctor do? He had to get up, put on his coat and go downstairs.
When he opened the door, he saw a man standing with a hat in his hand. “ How do you do, doctor?” said the man. “ Can you come at once to a place out of town? It is quite far, but you have a car and I can show you the way.”
“Certainly,” said the doctor, “ I am quite ready, I can come at once.” In a few minutes, the car was standing at the front door, the man got on the doctor’s car. And they drove off.
They drove on for a long time, and then the man said, “ Here we are. This is my house. Now I can pay you and you can go back to town.”
“But I must see the patient,” the doctor said. “How can I go back without seeing the patient? Where is the patient?”
“There is no patient,” explained the man. “Nobody is ill. I live here, you see, and one must get home from a town, mustn’t he? There are no taxies at this time of the night, but a doctor often makes night calls, so excuse me. Here is your money. Thank you, doctor. Good night.”
根据短文内容选择正确答案, 请将其答案的序号填入前面的括号内。
( )1. When the door bell began to ring, the doctor_________.
A. was sleeping downstairs B. was walking downstairs
C. was sleeping upstairs D. was walking upstairs
( )2. The man asked the doctor_______.
A. to go to his house B. to go downstairs
C. to see a patient D. to go to a place out of town
( )3. They left__________.
A. at once B. after a few minutes C. on foot D. on a horse
( )4. What the man wanted to do was only_______.
A. to please the doctor B. to get home in the doctor’s car
C. to give the doctor money D. to play a joke on the doctor
( )5. The doctor must be _______ at last.
A. happy B. sad C. disappointed D. angry

第1个回答  2013-03-31
一个年轻的美国医生正在睡觉时年代他门铃起来开始 环。这是alre阿迪午夜,但可能医生会做些什么?H e不 得不起床,穿上了他的外套,去楼上起伏。当他打开门, 他看到一个男人和一个帽子前站在他的手。“你好,医 生?”那人说。“你能来在砰地摔到一个地方的e城里吗? 它是相当远,但你有一个车,我可以给你带路。”“当然可 以,”医生说,“我完全准备好了,我可以马上过来。”几分 钟后,车停在门前,他有了o n医生的车。和他们开走 了。他们开车很长时间,然后米一个说,“我们在这里。 这是我的房子。现在我可以付钱给你,你可以回到小 镇。”“但我必须看到病人,”医生说。“我怎么能回去没 有看到病人吗?患者是哪里?”“没有耐心解释道,“这个 人。“这里头病了。我住在这里,你看,一个人必须从一 个小镇ge t回家,不准他吗?没有出租车在夜里这个时 候,但医生的电话,所以十使晚上打扰了。这是y我们的 钱。谢谢你,医生。晚安,各位。“
第2个回答  2013-03-31
1-5: CDABD
第3个回答  2013-03-31
第4个回答  2013-03-31
第5个回答  2013-03-31
这个很简单 来
首先短文的意思是一个年轻的美国医生正在睡觉,他的门时,突然钟声开始响起。已经是午夜,但医生做什么?他不得不起床,穿上他的外套和去downstairs.when的,他打开门,他看到一名男子站在一顶帽子拿在手里。那人说:“你是怎么做的吗,医生?”。 “你可以来一次出城到一个地方呢?它很远,但你有车,我可以告诉你的。“”当然,“医生说,”我早就准备好,我可以来一次。“在几分钟之内,正站在一辆车前门,这名男子得到了医生的车。他们开车off.they开车很长一段时间,然后那人说,“我们在这里。这是我的房子。现在我可以付给你,你可以去回城。“”但我必须看病人,“医生说。 “我怎么能回去没有看到病人吗?是病人在哪里?“”有没有耐心,解释说:“该名男子。 “没有人生病。我住在这里,你看,我们必须从城市回家,他绝不能呢?有没有出租车在这个时候的夜晚,但医生往往使夜间通话,所以请原谅。这里是你的钱。谢谢你,医生。美好的夜晚。“
根据短文内容选择正确答案, 请将其答案的序号填入前面的括号内1门铃声开始响起时,医生选b 2. 选c 3. 选d 4.选q本回答被提问者采纳



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