
1。 给他们俩 /. 给他们三个。发条短信通知明天下午三点开会


3。 老板喝了酒不能开车,我来 把车开走/ 把车开回家

4。 我给父母 打过电话/发过短信了 今晚不回家吃饭了

5。 我今晚有事 会晚回家 / 会早回家,你可以打电话,或短信/或邮件/联系我。


第1个回答  2013-03-27
1. sms the both/three of them. inform them that there would be a meeting at 3pm tomorrow.
2. call him, ask him to bring me my mobile.
3. the boss cant drink and drive. i would drive the car off/home.
4. i've called/smsed my parents, telling them i won't be home for dinner tonight.
5. i have sth on tonight, i'll be home late/early. you can call, sms or email me.
第2个回答  2013-03-26
For both of them /. For the three of them. Clockwork SMS notification at 3 tomorrow afternoon for the meeting

Clockwork SMS to make a telephone call to him, let him bring my cell phone.

The boss can't drink and drive, I will drive away/drove home

I tried to call the parents/had sent text messages don't go home for dinner tonight

Coming home late doing anything tonight/I will go home early, you can call or SMS/email/contact me.



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