
1.他们中有三人没有参加会议 2.您的父母正在校门口等你。3.请把你们的书从书包里拿出来。4.他醒来时发现什么都没有了。5.这个男孩答应他的父亲再也不说谎了。6.老师让我们保持安静。谁帮忙帮我用英语翻译一下。

第1个回答  2012-12-24
1.Three of them did not take part in the meeting.
2.Your parents are waiting for you at the gate of school.
3.Please take your books out of your bags.
4.He found nothing when he wake up.
5.The boy promised his father never to lie.
6.The teacher asks us to keep quiet.
第2个回答  2012-12-24
1.Three of them did not take part in the meeting. 2.Your parents are waiting for you at the gate of school. 3.Please take your books out of your bag s. 4.He found nothing when he wake up. 5.The boy promised his father never to li e. 6.The teacher asks us to keep quiet.
第3个回答  2012-12-24
1.Three of them didn't attend the meeting.

2.Your parents are waiting for you at school gate.

3.Please take your books out from your schoolbags.

4.He found nothing left when he woke up.

5.The boy promised his father that he would never lie again.

6.Teacher asks us to keep quiet.
第4个回答  2012-12-24
1.Among them there are three people didn't attend the meeting
2.Your parents are waiting for you at the school gate.
3.Please put your books from the bag out...
4.When he woke up, he found nothing.
5.The boy promised his father never lied.
6.The teacher told us to keep quiet.
第5个回答  2012-12-24

1.Three of them did not attend the meeting.
2.Your parents are waiting for you at the gate of school.
3.Please take out your books from your bags. take out sth from...从哪儿取出某物
4.He came to know that everything had gone away when he woke up. (注意时态)
5.The boy promised his father that the would never lie again.
6.The teacher asked us to keep quiet.




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