
我不要在线翻译的答案啊55555555~!!写论文摘要用的`` 还有加上这3个词:企业国际化;成长模式;选择.

第1个回答  2008-04-15
In the economic globalization, all countries, without exception, to participate in the international division of labour and exchange, a business enterprise of international operations growth and development of the inevitable choice. This paper has from the enterprise of international operations for the dynamic point of view, absorb and learn from the Western scholars in the enterprise growth theory, theory and transnational corporations and international enterprises, such as the latest theoretical results, as well as the latest progress of the domestic research, revealed the business model and the general law can be for the state to formulate industrial policy and enterprise policies to provide a scientific basis, going out for Chinese enterprises to become transnational corporations and provide theoretical guidance and reference reference, which is of great realistic significance for China's other enterprises has provided international growth useful lessons.
第2个回答  2008-04-15
Under economic globalization's condition, various countries participated in the international division of labor and the international exchange without one exception, the enterprise internationalization manage into the enterprise growth and the development choice inevitably. The reason that the present paper from the enterprise internationalization management's agent angle embarking, absorbs and profits from the Western scholar in enterprise aspect and so on growth theory, Multinational corporation theory and enterprise internationalization theory newest achievements, as well as the domestic research's newest progress, the revelation enterprise grows the pattern and the general rule, may provide the scientific basis for the national formulation industrial policy and the enterprise policy, walks for Our country Enterprise and becomes the Multinational corporation to provide the theory instruction and the reference uses for reference, thus has the vital practical significance, has provided beneficial model for our country other enterprise's internationalization growth.





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