

第1个回答  2013-09-20
专注的 dedicated-专注的护持师: Devoted Caretaker Devoted Caretaker 多明尼亚世界 - 收牌 ...Mystic Enforcer 秘教执法者 Devoted Caretaker 专注的护持师 Mirari 映奇宝珠 ... -高度专注的能力: The Ability to Hyperfocus The Ability to Hyperfocus Psychology �0�0Ant ...高度专注的能力(The Ability to Hyperfocus)高速资讯处理能力(Rapid Fire Mind)随心所欲的多工能力(Multitasking at Will) ... -多么专注的听众: What A Good Listener What A Good Listener ...What An Imagination 多么丰富的想象力! What A Good Listener 多么专注的听众 You Are Fun 你真有趣 ... -专注的凝视: For to gaze a while----;So she took her love For to gaze a while---- 金色的田野 Fields of Gold - 音乐... ... So she took her love----她带着她的爱 For to gaze a while----专注的凝视 Upon the fields of barley----在那金灿灿的大麦地里 ... So she took her love 沪江博客 - 沪江兔窝 - *英乐心情18*无垠的... ...As we walk in the fields of gold 而我们在黄金之地散步 So she took her love 专注的凝视For to gaze awhile 使她献出了她的爱 ... -专注的听: Attentive Attentive 听有五个层次:听而不闻(Ignoring)、假装的听(Pretending)、选择性的听(Selective)、专注的听(Attentive)、同理心的听(Empathic)。最高层次的是同理心的听,也就是将心比心的听。 -有专注的领导: there is a dedicated leader... there is a dedicated leader... 返回 / 【分享】林肯致儿子老师的一封信(节选)(已奖励) ...that for every selfish Politician,那是对于每个自私的政客there is a dedicated leader...有专注的领导Teach him for every enemy there is a friend...教他对于每个敌人都有朋友 ... -选择一个专注的对象: Choosing an Object of Attention- Choosing an Object of Attention- ...* The Miracle is Walking on Earth-不可思议的是行走于地面 * Choosing an Object of Attention-选择一个专注的对象 * Use Words Instead of Numbers-以文字取代数字 ... -专注的,献身的: dedicated dedicated 英语阅读经济类文章常考词汇汇总 ...clientele <总称>顾客;委托人dedicated 专注的,献身的jean 牛仔裤;紧身工作裤 ... -全神贯注的/专注的: rapt
第2个回答  2013-09-20
be absorbed in



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