

第1个回答  2022-11-06
分类: 教育/科学 >> 学习帮助


a moment ago=right now




1. be different from=be not the same as 和…不同

2. What do you think of…?=How do you like…? 你认为…怎样?

3. A is taller than B=B is shorter than A=B is not as tall as A=B is less tall than A.

4. hear from=receive a letter from=get a letter from 收到…来信

5. so+adj/adv+that=too+adj/adv to do sth=adj/adv enough to do sth

6. They joined the army o year ago=They have been soldiers for o years.=It is o years since they joined the army. 他们已经参军两年了.

7. be over=e to the end 结束

8. one more =another 又一,再

9. have a swim=swim=go swim 游泳

10. What+a(n)+adj+n!=How+adj+主语+be!

11. A likes it. B likes it, too.= Not only A but also B like it.=Both A and B like it.=A likes it. So does B.

12. would like to do=want to do.. 想做…

13. set out=start开始

14. nothing but=only只有

15. as…as one can=as…as possible 尽可能..

16. happen to do=do sth unexpectedly 碰巧做某事…

17. or so=about 大约…

18. if not=unless 除非…

19. be filled with=be full of 充满….

20. need doing=need to be done 需要做…

21. a number of=some 一些 a large number of =many 许多

22. How wide/long/old/heavy is it?=What’s one’ width/length/age/weight?多宽/重/长/大

23. be thankful to=be grateful to=thank *** 对…感谢

24. thanks to=because of 因为, 多亏

25. prefer A to B=like A better than B A比B好

26. what else=what other things 还有什么

27. would rather do A than do B=prefer(doingA)to(doingB) 比起B更喜欢A

28. bump into=knock into 撞到…

29. trip over=stumber over 被..拌倒

30. be proud of=take pride in 为..骄傲

31. all over the year=all the year round=the whole year 全年

32. have a great interest in=be interested in 对…感兴趣

33. be harmful to=be bad for 对…有害 be harmless to =be good for对…有利

34. throw litter about/around=litter things about/around 乱扔垃圾

35. take care of the enviroment=protect the enviroment 保护环境

36. so far=by now 到目前为止

37. don’t walk any further=don’t walk any more=don’t walk on

38. so that one can=in order that one can =in order to do= to do sth 为的是

39. regard```as=treat````as 把…看作

40. every o weeks=every other week 每两周

41. make it=be successful 成功

42. wet all over=wet through 全身湿透

43. No matter what=whatever 无论什么

44. make *** fit=make *** healthy 使…健康

45. far more=much more 更多

46. search for=look for 寻找

47. have a wonderful/great/good time=enjoy oneself 过得愉快

48. feed on=eat 吃

49. believe in =be confident of 对…有信心

50. laugh at=make fun of 嘲笑..

51. more or less=about 大约

52. on display=on show 展览

53. visit=pay a visit to=call on=be on a visit to 参观

54. in future=from now on 从今往后

55. carry on doing sth = go on doing=keep on doing 继续

56. It’s best to do=You’d better do 最好…

57. What do you mean by…?=What’s the meaning of…?=What does…mean? …是什么意思?

58. travel round=go around 到处旅游

59. do sth in a hurry=hurry to do sth=do sth hurriedly 匆忙地做某事

60. leave in a hurry=hurry off 匆忙离开

61. as if=as though 好象

62. beat *** at sth=win sth against *** 在某方面打败某人

63. There goes the bell =The bell is ringing 铃响了.

64. before long=soon 不久

65. be to do=be about to 将要…

66. be absent=be away 缺席

67. apologize to =say sorry to=make an apology to 对…道歉

68. prevent *** from doing=stop *** (from)doing sth=keep *** from doing 阻止..

69. nothing to do with *** =none of one’s business 不关某人的事..

70. give *** on operation=operate on 给某人做手术

71. think much of=speak highly of 称赞

72. in the end=at last=finally 最后

73. walk ten paces north=walk north for ten paces 向北走十步

74. alone=by oneself=on one’s own 独自一人

75. look after=take care of 照顾

76. There will be a strong wind=It will be windy=The wind will blow.

77. Sth is made of gold=Sth is golden. ….是金制的

78. take turns to do sth=do sth in turn 按次序做..

79. take part in=join in 加入

80. be tired of=be bored with 厌烦…

81. be frightened at=be afraid of 害怕..

82. pay attention to =notice 注意..

83. phone=call=give a call to=ring …up 打电话给…

84. It took *** some time/money to do sth=Sb spent money/time on sth(in doing)=Sb paid money for sth=Sth cost *** some money 买..付..钱

85. keep silent=don’t say a word=say nothing 保持沉默

86. go on with=keep/go on doing 继续做…

87. have no idea (about)=don’t know 不知道



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