
作品中当桑提亚哥连续八十三天没有打到鱼,众人嘲笑,说他倒霉,可众人的言论并没有改变老人坚持那下去的那颗心。老人的理性支撑着他。只有战斗才能诠释男人的尊严。在与鲨鱼的战斗过程中, 老人拼尽了全身的力气一直捍卫着自己的胜利。其实, 并不是老人舍不得放弃大马林鱼而和鲨鱼展开殊死搏斗, 而是因为在和鲨鱼的搏斗中, 老人已将大马林鱼看作自己尊严的象征。从表面看来, 老人失败了, 大马林鱼终究还是被鲨鱼夺走了。但在整个过程中,老人始终没有低头,更没有丧失人类应有的尊严。

第1个回答  2013-05-27
For the dignity and glory, Hemingway is extremely stressed, he once intended for the use of "human dignity" of the title. For Hemingway, to write a "life could write the best work". "Tactically, now published" the old man and the sea "can refute the opinion I the writer has done". Hemingway realized that "the old man and the sea" is completed, will let "other excellent and mature works compared with it in the shade". Works when the Santiago for eighty-three consecutive days did not catch fish, they laughed, said he was unlucky, but all speech did not change the old man insisted that heart that. The old man's reason to support him. The only fighting to the interpretation of man's dignity. In battle and shark, old man do all my strength has defended his victory. In fact, not the old man reluctant to give up the big marlin and shark ferociously, but because in and shark struggle, the old man has the big marlin as their symbol of dignity. On the face of it, the old man had failed, the big marlin still shark took. But in the process, the old man has no head, no loss of human dignity.
第2个回答  2013-05-27
With dignity and honor, Hemingway is extremely stressed, he was once going to for this paper use the title "human dignity". Should write an article for Hemingway, "the rest of my life can write the best works". "Tactically, now published the old man and the sea can refute think I this writer has finished the school opinion". Hemingway realized that the old man and the sea, will let the other outstanding works and mature compared with it
第3个回答  2013-05-27
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