
物流综合信息系统采用以C#为前台,SQL Server 2005为后台数据库的设计方法。物流综合信息系统具体实现的功能有物品信息管理功能,供应商信息管理功能、订单信息管理功能、库存管理和系统管理功能。

第1个回答  2013-05-27
Integrated logistics information system USES c # as the front desk, SQL Server 2005 as the backstage database design method. Logistics information system concrete realization function have item information management function, supplier information management, order information management, inventory management and system management functions. This paper details the design of the system, the development and testing process, including feasibility study, demand analysis, system overall design, database design, system flow chart and main program of the tests. In the feasibility study report from technical feasibility, economic feasibility, operation feasibility and legal feasibility and social benefit of logistics information integrated system four aspects carries on the feasibility analysis. In the requirements specifications logistics integrated information system was introduced in detail, the main functions of each module. In system design is mainly introduced the system function chart, e-r diagram, database design and system flow chart. In the coding and testing are mainly introduced the main code and the system of public test cases.
就是这些了 请帮我采纳。 以后有不懂的问我
第2个回答  2013-05-27
Integrated logistics information system based on C# for the front, SQL Server 2005 as backstage database design method. Integrated logistics information system realization of goods information management, supplier information management function, order information management, inventory management and system management functions. In this paper, a detailed record of the process of system design, development and testing, including feasibility study, demand analysis, system design, database design, system flow chart and the main program testing. In the feasibility study report from four aspects of the technical feasibility, economic feasibility, operation feasibility and legal, social benefit feasibility of integrated logistics information system to conduct a feasibility analysis. In the requirements specification describes in detail the main function of each module integrated logistics information system. In the system design mainly introduces the system function structure diagram, E-R diagram, database design and the system flow chart. In coding and testing is introduced in the public test case code and the main system.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2013-05-27

物流総合情报システムをC #をフロント、SQL Server 2005をバックにデータベースの设计の方法。物流総合情报システムの具体化の机能が品情报管理机能、サプライヤー情报管理机能、注文の情报管理机能、在库管理、システム管理机能。
第4个回答  2013-05-27
idon't know thank you




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