
基准地价是政府法定公示土地价格的一种,是对某一个时间基点某一片均质区域内土地的平均价格的数据反映,能够体现出该均质区域内土地市场的发展状况及土地地价的空间分布规律。因此及时、准确高效的更新基准地价对政府合理调整地价、保证土地市场健康平稳发展以及合理配置土地资源等有着十分重要的意义。笔者在文中利用定性及定量的方法对结果进行计算及验证,得出 市2002年至2007年城镇地价变化幅度,为当地政府进行土地地价评估以及出让等提供了依据。

第1个回答  2013-06-07
The benchmark land price is a kind of government legal publicity of land price, is the average price of land for a certain time point a piece of homogeneous regions within the data reflect, to reflect the distribution of the development of the land market of the homogeneous region and land space. Therefore updated benchmark premium timely, accurate and efficient for the government to adjust the price, to ensure the healthy and stable development of the land market and the rational allocation of land resources is very important. Methods by using the qualitative and quantitative in the calculation and verification of the results obtained from 2002 to 2007, the city of urban land price changes, provide the basis for local governments, land evaluation and land leasing.
第2个回答  2013-06-10
The benchmark land price is a kind of government legal publicity of land price, is the average price of land for a certain time point a piece of homogeneous regions within the data reflect, to reflect the distribution of the development of the land market of the homogeneous region and land space. Therefore updated benchmark premium timely, accurate and efficient for the government to adjust the price, to ensure the healthy and stable development of the land market and the rational allocation of land resources is very important. Methods by using the qualitative and quantitative in the calculation and verification of the results obtained from 2002 to 2007, the city of urban land price changes, provide the basis for local governments, land evaluation and land leasing.
第3个回答  2013-06-11
Benchmark land prices is one of the government statutory public land prices, is for a certain time points a piece of homogeneous data of average price of land in the area of reflection, can reflect the homogeneous region space of the development of land market and land price distribution. Therefore, timely, accurate and efficient update the benchmark land price for the government reasonably adjust price, ensure that land market healthy and stable development, and rational allocation of land resources has very important significance. The author in this paper by using the method of qualitative and quantitative calculation and validation of the results obtained from 2002 to 2007, urban land price change, for the local government for land price evaluation and transfer, and so on。 纯粹手翻 求采纳 我做任务本回答被提问者采纳
第4个回答  2013-06-09
Benchmark land prices is one of the government statutory public land prices, is for a certain time points a piece of homogeneous data of average price of land in the area of reflection, can reflect the homogeneous region space of the development of land market and land price distribution. Therefore, timely, accurate and efficient update the benchmark land price for the government reasonably adjust price, ensure that land market healthy and stable development, and rational allocation of land resources has very important significance. The author in this paper by using the method of qualitative and quantitative calculation and validation of the results obtained from 2002 to 2007, urban land price change, for the local government for land price evaluation and transfer, etc.
第5个回答  2013-06-07




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