
敬启者: 我们很高兴地通知贵方,559号合同(221号信用证)项下的1000部电子计算器已经于今天早晨装上了“Captain”号轮船,该船预计明天驶往伦敦,预计离港时间是12:15,预计到达时间是12月20日。 我们随函附寄如下单证:一份不可议付的提单副本;商业发票一式两份;一份原产地证书副本;一份保险单副本。 我们已经通过中国银行北京分行开出了以贵方为付款人的即期托收汇票,总金额是24000.00美元。 我们相信这些商品会令贵方完全满意,期待进一步合作。我们会继续给予贵方的订单和寻盘以最大的关注。 顺祝商安! 帮忙翻译一下这份东西,谢谢,晚上急着发给人家。

第1个回答  2014-03-10
Dear Sir/Madam, We are happy to get you imformed that the 1000 calculators under the contract NO.559(L/C NO.221) have already been on board the ship named "Captain", which is predicted to srart out for London tomorrow. The estimated leaving time is 12:15, and the estimated arriving date is Dec 20th. Enclosed please find the certificates as follows:One copy of non-negociable B/L ;Comercial voice in duplicate;One copy of certificate of origin;One copy of insurance policy; We have drawn a draft for collection at sight for acount of you by the China Bank Beijing sub-branch with the total amount of $24000.00. We believe you will be satisfied with these goods and we are longing for future cooperation. Your order and offer will be highly appreciated.Yours faithfully,人工翻译,望采纳!



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